I'm coming to realize that this needs some posting.

Just yesterday she mentioned that in conversation, one of her friends asked her something along the lines of "do you ever wonder what your parents do when you're not home?"

Her response:

Ugh, I don't even wanna think about it.  My mom probably farts on my pillow.

HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!  I love that kid.

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By Shyne

10 thoughts on “Stuff Kiddo says…”
  1. Thought….or denial about what we're REALLY doing when she's not there, lol. Oh, no, wait, we do that when she's there, it's just louder when she's not. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

  2. It's from Knocked Up. They all fart on each others pillows halfway through the movie and like three of them get pink eye. It's hilarious.

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