After yesterday's crapfest, today is much better. :-)  Even my horoscope says so:

Unexpected communication from someone special – most likely another woman – is likely to brighten your entire day, MiamiShyner. Even the subtlest of comments can take you to the Moon and back. You delight in the little things, and it does not take much to amuse you. There is plenty for you to be amused about today, and you will find that you happily bounce from one subject to the next, not to mention one feeling to the next.

I wonder who's gonna call or write today?!?!  The anticipation!!  SQUEE!

Oh, and I'm going to Zumba tonight.  Loves me some working out.  AND, I'm finally gonna get my lazy bum back over to the rig because I miss flying like nobody's business.

So much to do, so much time to do it in.


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By Shyne

6 thoughts on “Shyner’scope”
  1. I really really really love that class. I've been tossing around the idea of becoming an instructor (along with the 85,000 other ideas I have that cost too much money). But it's really fun. I'm competitive like that. If there's anyone left doing it, I'm gonna keep going no matter how much I want to quit.

  2. I've only seen two different instructors down here. One was working on the 'I look phenomenal' look and the other was actually normal. Both in shape but nothing spectacular. My biggest problem is that I have the least amount of rythym possible for being so brown!

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