2008: Almost 1/12th over already

Yeah, how about that number?  Certainly not as bad as: 34, life's approaching half over.  A little dark this morning?  Yes.  But dark with a smile. 🙂

So seeing as how we're almost done with this first month already, I thought that I would revisit my 2008 goals and see how I'm doing.

  1. Learn to speak Spanish – Right.  I've really been slacking on this one although there is more Spanish being spoken in the house recently.
  2. Attain the body that I want to have – I had it for a few days.  Nothing like a vacation in which you LOSE weight while still eating like a piggy.  Now I'm all fat and bloated again and I really have to start working out.  Thank you, Cosmo, and magazines in the same line for making me think that I need to be thinner than I am.  Screw you anyways.
  3. Figure out what I want to be when I grow up – CHALLENGE COMPLETED!  I really don't know why it even took me so long to realize this one.  I've always had a morbid fascination with crime, crime scene, and investigations, hence my love of stuff like Law and Order, CourtTV (now trutv), Dr G: Medical Examiner, and a host of Patricia Cornwell books.  Why not put it to use?  Shooting to be some sort of CSI.
  4. Get back to school – CHALLENGE COMPLETED!  I am officially enrolled in an online university and should begin my classes in early February if all goes through with the financial aid.  I will be first completing my Associates in Business Administration (there ya go boss lady, good enough for ya?) and following that with my Bachelors in Criminal Justice.  Go me!  I'm excited about this.
  5. A year and a day – The time in February has not come yet.  Excused.
  6. Work from home – I'm still driving into the office.  It's still driving me crazy.
  7. Write more – BAD Shyner.  I haven't written much of anything although things keep popping into my head, mostly in dreams.  That formula for love is just out of my grasp.  Maybe I can drink it into reach.  HA!

Okay, so 2 down, 4 in progress and one not started.  Not to terribly bad but nothing great either.  Must.  Try.  Harder.  And I will.  Happy Tuesday folks.

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By Shyne

0 thoughts on “2008: Almost 1/12th over already”
  1. hey, you are doing great! better than most ppl… plus, you're checking in with yourself… i think that's key to getting most of your resolutions done…

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