3 – days left till the long weekend
11 – days left until Moonfaire
33.72 – years I've had on this planet
1029.83 – years I've had on other planets
4 – number of shoes at my desk
10 – pounds I want to lose
5 – realistic pounds I have to lose
17 – days left until the GO reunion
166 – days till we bust our collective ass snowboarding
6 – manmade holes in my body
3 – tattoos
4 – cars I've owned
3 – times I've escaped death
10,000 – pennies in my checking account
3 – places on my body bruised from pole dancing
5 – nights of good loving after pole class
111 – posts on Vox
6 – websites I've created
1 – website I've created that's still up and running
2 – fantastic business ideas
0 – minutes spent working on them recently
40 – minutes spent explaining the distributive property and simplifying (Algebra) to my daughter last night
1- dirty story posted on Vox
2 – times I've considered deleting my blog
umpteen – things my brother and I have laughed at together
2.08 – years spent with Lovey
1 – trip out of the country planned for next year
10 – months it took to get in circus shape
1 – month it took to lose all core strength
1500 – dollars it would cost to have a single trap in my back yard
2 – dollars I have put away towards it
6 – average number of calls per week to our house by bill collectors with a wrong freaking number
2 – brain cells shared by bill collectors who don't understand that there's no P Garcia at our house
6 – concerts I've attended (that's sad)
2 – times I've seen wrestling live (is that more sad?)
1 – times I've been approached by a roadie and almost kidnapped out of a state where I didn't live
4 – countries in which I've taught the trapeze
0 – reasons for posting this
You don't need a reason to post some numbers…and for those of us who are numerically inclined, it always turns out to be a good post!
Thanks. 🙂
Sometimes I just have to put something out there to get my brain in a writing mode.
They have a gathering on the first Saturday of every month. This is my first one. I'm super excited! (now that I know I get to go on my own and I won't hear any "Mom/Babe, can we go yet?"
*giggle* i can definitely understand that.