Get your mind out of the gutter, you're crowding me.

I'm talking about Superbowl 41 here people.

I do not expect everyone in the world to know that the big game is next Sunday.  I realize that not everyone is a football fan.  Everyone may not know who's playing or that, even though we shouldn't make a big deal of it, it's the first time in NFL history that a black head coach (even 2!!) go to the dance.  These are things that I understand.

On the other hand, in case you don't know, XLI is being held here in Miami this year where the Colts and Bears will battle it out to see whose cuisine reigns supreme.  No, wait, that's Iron Chef, this is the gridiron.  Anyways, it is difficult to live here and not know that XLI will be here next weekend.  It's all the talk on the news, on the radio, there are banners and billboards EVERYWHERE.  So, praytell, how do two young adult men, living in Miami, have the following conversation at approximately 1 pm on Saturday (1/27/07)?

Guy 1:  Is the Superbowl today?

Guy 2:  No man, it's tomorrow.

Guy 1:  Seriously?  I don't even know who's playing.

At this point, my boyfriend, who is at the counter waiting to pay for our snake's dinner, does the good deed and lets them know that yes, if they don't have to pull their heads out of their asses today, they can stay in the dark for one more week.

Guy 1:     Oh, so it's next week?

My Guy:  Yeah.  Traffic's gonna be rough.

Guy 2:      Why's that?

Why's that?  Why's that?!?!?  Seriously, you LIVE here and you don't know that one of the biggest attractions in professional sports is going to happen in your own back yard?!?!

My Guy:  How much for this rat?

Guy 1:     Two dollars.

My Guy:  Here you go.  Babe, let's go.

We couldn't decide whether to laugh or cry about this.  We chose laugh.  I guess if you breathe snake poop all day, you're bound to lose some sense. 

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By Shyne

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