You know, the one where something just isn't right?
I had that one this morning and was having a really hard time shaking it off. So I started thinking about my day. Slept an hour later than usual because I decided to skip the gym today. Went downstairs to make breakfast only to find that our pooch (who is getting up there in years) released the pee monster on the floor. Ugh. Went about my mopping and threw her blankie in the washer.
Went upstairs and stared into the closet. Lots of clothes, nothing to wear. I know, I know. Finally figured it out and was only a couple minutes "late" for work. Still feeling some hidden blah so I called MommaShyner (she's all good) and BruddaShyner (he's all good too). Kiddo's safe at school. Lovey's at work. All is more or less right in my universe.
My horoscope for today said:
With your credit cards maxed out you may be thinking that your bank account is not as healthy as it could be. But today you are likely to receive some news that indicates otherwise. You may get a windfall of some kind, or discover that your stock portfolio is generating healthy returns. It's a good day for paperwork. Enjoy this great day!
Well, fortunately, my cards aren't maxed out, but I can certainly feel the part about the bank account. She's not overdrawn by any means, she would just like some friends in there. I wonder if I won some lottery money last night.
I've come to the conclusion that I'm all thrown off because I didn't go to the gym this morning and I had no plans of going this evening. Withdrawl!! I may be turning into some sort of gym rat. I found a Krav Maga class (thanks for mentioning that a while back, LeendaDLL) and I am going for the first time next week. That puts me at the gym every weekday. At least the membership won't be going to waste.
I've been trying to eat a little better, so this week, my meals have gone a little something like this:
Breakfast – Egg Beaters with a slice of 2% American (mmmm, processed cheese)
Snack 1 – Cottage cheese with fruit
Lunch – Spinach salad with peppers, tomatoes, mushrooms, carrots, cucumbers, grated parm and light balsamic viniagrette
Snack 2 – Yogurt
Dinner – Either orange roughy or salmon with a smidge of a veggie
Sometimes a snack 3 – Spoon of peanut butter
A day or two ago, I started craving red meat. Odd because I don't usually eat it – it makes my tummy hurt. Today I decided that I HAD to have it or I might start gnawing on my arm. Oh McDonalds. So convenient. So greasy. So delicious. Or at least I think you were delicious because I am quite certain that I didn't even chew that double cheeseburger. I did, however, chew my salad. I think I can be red meat free once again for another couple months.
That's pretty much all I've got for today. Sometimes I just need to get stuff out of my head, you know? I'm off for now. Gotta go get the girls their 2 month checkup. Hope all is well with all of you.
Wow your meal plan is much healthier than mine! I have been talking about taking Krav Maga for a year now. First it was, I am so out of shape I want to get some level of fitness so I don't pass out after 5 minutes, and then I hurt my back. Then I just got too busy to start. So…I still want to start but my back has to feel better, so maybe a month or so. Let me know how it goes.
Oooh, I HATE that feeling! Thanks for the mention. But props to Crankypants as I think she mentioned it first.. giving me the idea.I have SUCH a rant coming about last night (even though all ends well). But I just got to work (4:30p) so I need to do something here so I can leave by 9.
Well, I hope your back is better soon and I'll try to post next Friday about how it went.
I may not have been <gasp> knowledgable in the ways of cranky then, but props to her nonetheless.
🙂 Sometimes, you just need to let it all out.