We've got a Douglas Fir.  I am leaning towards when I was growing up, we had some sort of Spruce?  I can't quite figure it out.  But I know it wasn't a Douglas Fir.  Sure, the tree looks okay, but until my mom decides to hand down the decorations (complete with bubble lights and the annoying chirping bird), I won't ever feel like my tree is complete.

Tough to get spray snow down here, at least in the places I looked.  I refuse to go all the way to Target or Wal-Mart for it, so I'll just make do without it. 


Huh, forgot that you can't see the little village that Kiddo set up under the tree.  Maybe I'll shoot it again later.

Happy Sunday.  It's time for…..


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By Shyne

2 thoughts on “Christmas Trees”
  1. It looks so pretty!!! BTW – There is a Target about 10 minutes from your house in the Shops at Midtown…I love it…takes me about 5 minutes to get there!

  2. It's a great tree! I have all the ornaments from my parents and over the years I've collected others. Years ago I had a trim-the-tree party where friends brought over an ornament and we trimmed the tree with what was brought. I've moved a dozen times since then and some of those people are now in different countries, passed on, lost in time and one is in a convent! I still have those ornaments and they are my favorites because they are irreplaceable and remind me of the people who gave them to me.

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