Awesome quotes from the land in which I grew up

Pennsylvania.  Land of the Amish.  Next door to some serious rednecks. (WV)  Not a huge Republican state that I'm aware of.  With their choices being what they are, they are leaning towards Hillary.  But, that's not to say that the younger generation isn't putting in its two cents for Obama.  Neither here nor there.

Today, in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette there were some great quotes taken from random folks on the street.  Here's a little insight into how PA rolls.

"A couple blocks east, at Jimmy's Quick Lunch, Hillary Clinton's the favorite of many regulars. 'I like her backup man,' said retired machinist Ronald Duser, referring to former President Bill Clinton. 'And her family's from Scranton. She seems to be an honest person, just like my wife.' Of Obama, Duser said: 'I'm not crazy about voting for a colored guy, but that's not why I don't support Obama. I'm not prejudiced. I just like Hillary.' A couple tables over, Jean Fetterman, a foster grandparent, said of Clinton: 'Oh, I love her. She's a very intelligent person, and she has her husband who went through this.' She scoffs at the idea of voting for Obama: 'I don't want to be a Muslim!' She looks dubious when told Obama is Christian. 'Then why did he go see what's-his-name over in Iraq, that Lama?'"

So Obama visited … a llama? The Dalai Lama? Osama? The Roller-rama? A bull from Bramah? Wagamama?

Sometimes people have mashed potatoes for brains and there's nothing you can do about it.

"And he didn't go to Iraq, either. Let's get this straight once and for all: that one time when he went to visit the llama, he wore the traditional garb of Suriname. He did it only because llamas, like illegal Mexicans, are from South America. Any politician, colored or regular, would have done the same. (Sigh.) But there you have it – this is now Clinton's base."

My home state.  Gawd bless 'em.

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By Shyne

6 thoughts on “Awesome quotes from the land in which I grew up”
  1. @ Christina: Gotta take them with a grain of salt.
    @Jamie: If I roll them any more, they'll fall out, lol.
    @grrrace: I kinda thought it was hysterical, especially the llama part.
    @R.G.: I hope because the Obama camp wouldn't sink to using them to paint a nasty portrait of either PA or some of Hillary's supporters.

  2. Gawd your home state residents sound like old school Oregonians… especially those from southern Oregon. I once asked about a building in the main part of Coos Bay when I lived there, I found out later it was home to the Ken Keyes College and the Living Love Church, but when asked, the locals defined it as a flophouse filled with "freaking preverts". I guess on some level ya gotta love people with a narrow view of the world around them, they need love and understanding more than most.

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