QotD: Secret Family Recipe – Peach junk

What's one family recipe that you wish you knew how to cook?

Many moons ago, my grandmother would make a dessert that would just knock your socks off.  It never had an official name.  It was some sort of cross between a pie, a cobbler, and an upside-down cake with peaches.  My brother and I lovingly called it "Peach Junk". 

I spent a lot of time in the kitchen with my grandmother, trying to pry recipes out of her, but she was old skool and had no recipes or measurements for anything.  I do believe that I somehow picked up the brunt of the mac and cheese recipe, but to this day, Peach Junk eludes me.

It is truly a sad day on this earth when there is no one that can re-create the delicacy of Peach Junk.  Gram, you are sorely missed.

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By Shyne

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