What did you dream about last night?  

This QotD comes at a very opportune time.  Technically, last night I didn't dream of anything, or at least anything that I can remember since I had a little helper to get to sleep and stay there.  And why?  Because for 3 of the 5 nights before that, my head has been running rampant.

Dream 1:

I was standing in a room that was quite empty.  The only people in the room were me and my Uncle Ernie.  Unfortunately, Uncle Ernie, my by far favorite relative, passed away about ten or so years ago.  Even though he lived in another state (it was only the next state over), we were always very tight.  Probably a Sagittarius thing – his birthday was the day after mine.  I digress.  The dream was brief.  It consisted of Unk insisting on me taking a piece of paper from him and reading it.  It couldn't have gone on long, but it seemed like it went on forever.  I never did get the piece of paper as I woke up before I could get to it. šŸ™

Dream 2:

I walked into my grandparent's house through the back door as I always did. (Gram and Pop have been dead for about 10 years as well.)  I could tell what time frame it was supposed to be because Pop started to tell me that Gram was going to have to go to a home.  My waking mind knew that this was the case, but my dreaming mind was absolutely stunned by the news.  Making it more shocking was Gram coming from the next room.  We hugged for a long time and cried and she kept insisting that I remember her birthday.  She kept saying it over and over.  Then I woke up.

Sidebar:  It used to be a little joke between Gram, Pop and myself regarding our birthdays.  Gram used to say that I missed the month, but I got the day right and Pop would say I missed the day but got the month right.  Man, I miss them.

Dream 3:

I'm sure this came from watching too much 24 and an extreme childhood fear of WWIII.  Anyways, a nuclear bomb had gone off.  I can't quite catch who all is in the house, but I know that it's family.  We weren't directly in the bomb area and I suppose we were far enough away that we didn't need to evacuate.  The whole dream revolved around sitting in the house and wondering what was going to happen.  Nothing did but the alarm clock.

Would anyone care to psychoanalyze me? šŸ™‚

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By Shyne

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