Hey, young Mick! Why you wanna rain on parades? I mean, the ladies are definitely wearing what appear to be raincoats, so I sorta get why you’re raining. But you’re also under a circus tent and there’s NEVER bad times under the tent. (Please, don’t go there about bad things under the tent at the Diaper. I know about that.)
I am curious how any female born between oh, let’s say 1960 to 1990 even is attracted to men. If you look at the majority of musicians/sex symbols from then, they all look like women. Lipstick, eyeliner, shaking their hips better than I can. You can’t always get the man that you want….but women are cool. That’s what I’m hearing. We’re just as bad as men though.
Ok, so, right. I’m a Sagittarius. We get what we want quite a bit. As a matter of fact, the total lunar eclipse was in Sagittarius so it’s our time and whatnot. An excerpt: ‘time to align with you personal desires’, ‘changes in your approach towards the world’, ‘you will be perceived differently by others’, ‘significant changes in your relationships are likely to take place’, ‘trust the process’. And that’s not even all of the stuff. Adding it in with what I have from my birth chart and things are really starting to look a lot different.
I realize that I have great potential and I’ve basically been holding myself back, but if all the signs and signals aren’t pointing towards changing that shit up, then I don’t know what is! So once again, I’ll need to get the fuck out of my own way. Just today, already, I can feel myself trying to creep back into my comfy space. I need to board that up because it isn’t really helping me move forward to create a new and better comfy space. One with a window seat and cushions and pillows and books and blankets and hot tea. Yeah. Did I mention this same comfy space has enough space for my pole AND space to spin my flow toys? Well, it does. And I’m gonna manifest the shit outta that space. I will have this space in less than 400 days. So let it be written, so let it be done.
That’s how I get what I want. I ask the Universe for it. If Universe thinks it’s good for me, I get it. If not, I’ve been spared some disaster down the road. I’ve been way too lucky in my life to not think like this. Seriously, I asked less than two weeks ago and got an answer and now I’m on that road. I think the Universe also realizes how much to send me at once. It might even keep other things away from me so that I don’t lose my focus. Thanks, Big U!
Not related to anything I’ve been chatting about here, but damn I feel good. I’ve always been one of those people who is always having some twinge of discomfort somewhere – usually near my shoulders or hips since I abuse those the most. Over the last few months, the CBD has been working its magic. Going up and down the stairs is no longer a column of suck. I can actually get up and down and not have to hobble. Not being in constant discomfort is a really crazy feeling and I’m diggin it. So much so that I’m gonna go throw myself around the pole. Peace!