The rabbit hole! I started with Steve Miller but then I got sidetracked by Tom Petty which had Prince’s fine ass which then led me to today’s video. His Excellence. The Prince of Lake Minnetonka. The Purple One. Such a great musician loss. Quite possibly the best Superbowl performance there ever was also.
With The Purple One’s guitar playing gently in the background, let the congregation say ROCO! For yes, my friends, we have made it through another week and almost to another weekend. We have braved the atrocities of the work week, be they computer glitches or annoying co-workers. You have faithfully eaten that meal-prepped lunch all week (or not, lol). Stand up, my friends. Rejoice in your success! Know that you have arrived. Can I get a ROCO?!?!
Completely seriously, this week has flown by. Every day is really rolling right along as I’ve continued to work into my daily schedule for additional learning and being great. I feel like each day, I’m figuring out something new that’s going to help me build my brand. I don’t have a specific product or anything, but I don’t really need one either. I do lots of things. I can probably do your thing if you ask. Jill-of-all-trades, Mistress to none, Domme of your man. Bwahahaha.
One of the things I’m learning is WordPress so I can eventually make some changes to this site so it looks exactly as I want it to, rather than dealing with someone else’s premade stuff. You know….THE BRAND! What does the brand include, you might wonder. Well, let’s see. Physical fitness, pole dance, inversions, WordPress, bartending, life coaching, and a skill to yet be named. Yeah, it’s random, but you know I am too.
Remember the photoshoot I mentioned last week? Yeah, I don’t have the pictures back yet. LOL. But I have heard from a little bird that they look pretty damn good. I’m a little bit excited to see them. And then spray my half naked self all over the internet. HAHAHAHA. Exhibitionist much? (Spoiler alert: Yeah, a little.)
Maybe I should add a podcast to the brand too? Because, you know, I’m 100% about over-extending myself 100% of the time. Nah, I don’t have time for that for realz. OMG, but an erotica podcast would probably kill in ratings. Shit. Now I have another project. Lots of folks are doing it, so what’s one more rider on the train, right? I am the pun master today.
Truthfully, I gotta get going. I’m behind schedule today and work and learning are calling. Wishing you just a kickass weekend full of sweaty naked fun. Just seeing if you’re paying attention. See you Monday!