pole dance

Eleven Twelfths

You are the reason I’ve been waiting all these years. Somebody holds the key. Yeah.

As we come to the end of another freaking year (seriously, how the hell did this happen?!?!) and I enter my 48th year on this wacky rock, I’m figuring out who the you and the somebody is. Spoiler alert: they’re both me.

Huh? Yeah. I’m the reason that I procrastinate. I’m the reason I’ve been waiting all of these years/months/days/hours/minutes to do ‘that thing’ that I’ve been meaning to do. I hold the key. I have the time. I’ve just been lazy. Or perhaps lazy is extreme. I’ve been floating without direction is probably more accurate.

Every year, or close to, I talk about what I’m going to do in the next year. I have taken New Year’s Resolutions out of my world and replaced them with New Day Resolutions. I simply stopped remembering this concept and let myself slip and slide down the hill to mediocrity and below. It took way too long, but I finally realized what the hell I was doing to myself and dragged my ass out of that darkness.

Not an easy task, ok? I hate this time of year. From November 1 through January 1 could literally be removed from the calendar and I would be cool with that. It’s even taking my birthday off the calendar. I’m cool. I’m not sure when it was that I went from ‘Yay Christmas’ to ‘oh, ok, Christmas’ to ‘FFS is it over yet?!?!’ but that last one is where I am. Not the most fun when it’s your other half’s favorite holiday. But, I deal. And then I can go back into my dark, hermit cave to recuperate from this mess that is the holiday season.

This year, I’m doing something that I’ve never done before – taking the last week of the year off of work. I’ve had the capability to do this for well over ten years now, but for whatever reason, I just never did. We’ll see how it goes, but having that whole week to set up my routines, get my planner all pretty, get everything in its place to start 2022 strong (really hoping to get some of these things implemented in December so I can cement them into place in January) and kick ass the whole way through. Yeah! Go me!

Something I’ve been asked a million times and I’ve never had an answer for (and still don’t) is “What is your why?” I hate this question. Partially because I think it’s just a stupid question and partially because I don’t have an answer. I suppose it would be neat to have that all wrapped up in a nice package, no? Some people do and can rattle off that answer no problem. Me? Uhhhhhhh, *shoulder shrug*. Is this really the end-all and be-all of life? Some of us are quite happy with just floating through, helping where we can, throwing in a laugh here and there. What’s wrong with that? Guess it depends who you ask.

I thought that this question was really geared more towards sales because that’s where it was pounded into me. Twice. (That’s what she said) First time, I made up an answer because I had to have one. I might also have been on or near my period so any and everything that was said got taken to heart with some tears. I coulda won an Academy Award then. The second time, I just didn’t answer it. Why lie, right? I don’t have this deep down desire to fix or rule the world because I know I’ll do neither. There isn’t some grand achievement that I’m striving for. I’m just living. Minute by minute, hour by hour. Why? So I can eat and keep a roof over my head. So I can pick up a toy or two and not worry about being broke afterwards. So is my why comfort? Could be. Seems selfish, but so am I.

Looks like I’m headed into December ’21 and all of ’22 on my usual bullshit with some extra corn on the side lol. The usual bullshit = work, exercise, pole dance. Extra corn = more fans/fabpole/handstands/poi/leviwand plus aerial silks, tarot and crystals. Still running my own personal PT with all the tools (and I found a video to reset my SI joint on my own and it is LIFE CHANGING!, nothing personal Dr. Z, I’ll still see you) and pushing to see if I can find the physique I had 10 years ago. A whole entire cob = finding that new house. Fingers crossed, y’all! I gotta go get on my shit!

It’s My World

Uuuuuggggh. Over the course of the last 11 days, I have started three blog posts, this being the third. Let’s see if this one gets all the way to completion and posted. I really would have been great on Tumblr because I don’t always have enough thoughts for a full blog post, but I have some super one-liners. In my opinion, anyway.

So back on the second, I had my video and everything. Living On A Prayer because we were halfway there. Halfway through the year. And honestly, about that, WTF?!?! How did half of the year get by us already? Yikes. If I made New Year’s Resolutions, now would be the time I would look at them and go, oh shit, I haven’t done any of this. But, I decided back in January that I wasn’t going to do that. I was making New Day Resolutions, giving myself 365 chances to get it right instead of one. I think my NDR was to simply be better than the day before or something like that. Probably not, dammit. Now I have to look.

Ok, I had 5 NDRs. Exercise/yoga, meditate, handstand, write/blog, flow. As we sit beyond the halfway point of the year, I probably haven’t been doing well with my NDRs outside of exercise. I think today just happens to be an “on” day for me as I will likely hit all the points today. I guess that the halfway point of the year is a great point to get back on track since I completely forgot about those things. Mind you, even though I forgot about them, or I haven’t been actively thinking about them, it doesn’t mean that they haven’t been happening. The writing takes the biggest hit, followed by flow. Exercise happens 6 out of 7 days because that’s an ingrained habit already. Handstands happen here and there. Man, I gotta get on the fucking ball. Anywho….

Yesterday, I had started another post as well. Monday is the day that the landscapers come, so the video was for Oh So Quiet because OMG why can’t they STFU. Yes, I realize they have a job to do but come on, Mantequilla, I have work to do also. I have this thing about silence and how much I enjoy it. I mean complete silence. At most, nature sounds from birds. I don’t want white noise, the tv, the radio. Just shhhhhhh. For whatever reason, me and focus aren’t friends, so any little thing is shiny and a squirrel for me to look at. I’ve been trying to get better at focus, but that is a really long work in progress.

Back to today, I’m for sure going to hit those NDRs. I might even pull the tracker back out because I’m feeling a little bit encouraged. I love to fill in a block or use coloring pencils or crayons (and I have a ton of them, lol) so yeah, that sounds like a good idea for today. Or maybe even the whiteboard (I have three. I’m mildly odd with office supplies. We have more writing utensils in here than Office Depot.) Come on, excitement train! Keep on rolling!

So yeah, this is my world. Some days it’s mad hectic and some days it’s shut all the fucking way down. That’s just how I roll. That sounds worse than the reality is, but I’ll paint outside my lines and you can paint outside of yours.

While I’d love to stay and chat, I have several things to accomplish including getting myself prepared to teach three pole classes over the next 7 days. One of those is my normal class and two are levels which I don’t usually do – one beginner, one not so beginner. I love planning classes but I hate the stress of planning classes. Fortunately, everyone is laid back and will enjoy whatever we do. Feels like a shit ton of conditioning before we do anything though. HAHAHAHAHA. Yeah buddy. Level three? You oughta be strong by now. You aren’t? You oughta be working out with me, lol.

Well, none of the things I need to do are gonna get done while I’m sitting here writing things that no one is going to read. Have a wonderfully magical day, imaginary readers!

Get Up! (Get On Up)

Yep, this is what I had to tell myself this morning. It was more stay on the scene (sex machine) than it was get up though. When the alarm goes off, I have no problem getting out of the bed. Part of that is usually because I’m already halfway awake. The other part is that, even though Lovey says he doesn’t hear/feel my alarm (it’s on my Fitbit), I always feel like I’m waking him up and I’m trying to avoid that. He says he never hears me but you know in my head it sounds like I’m dropping grenades with every footstep.

You may have heard me mention previously that, over the last decade, I’ve been through many of the Beachbody programs and just recently decided to become a coach. What does that even mean? Well, to me it’s the opportunity to introduce folks to Beachbody and to encourage folks to walk with us at The Fit Inn. At TFI, we encourage each other and we laugh and smile while we work out. Nobody gets left behind. We all keep each other accountable. What does that mean to you? I guess it depends on the algorithms, really. You’ll see me post about it and I’ll show you videos of what I’m up to and I’ll invite you to join me. That’s it. I’m not gonna chase you down. I’m not gonna hound you. I’m just gonna be here for you when you are ready to invest in yourself. And yes, it’s an investment.

Anywho, at this very moment, I’m between programs (There are a ton of different programs on Beachbody for a ton of different ways you wanna work out) as the new launch is on July 19th. I have no schedule right now so I’m left to pick something. Now, when you’ve gone and joined me in The Fit Inn, you won’t run into this problem because we work out together on a calendar. There’s no more procrastination, no wasting time. You know what you need to do and you do it. Badda bing, badda boom.

I’ll admit that I spent a little too much time deciding on what to do today. That’s a problem that comes with having done many of the programs and having a lot of favorites. And that’s not a bad problem to have. It just isn’t a problem that YOU have to have.

Damn girl! Is this whole blog gonna be a commercial?!?! Uh, yeah, today it is.

– All 5 readers of this blog

Ok, so to end today’s informercial, it could be me, you and Amoila on July 19th. We’re working on strength and functional fitness. That’s right baby, let’s get that body moving nice and smooth (is funky). You want in? Click anywhere in this sentence to say so! The group is starting on July 19th and I cannot wait to get on it. But why?

Lemme tell you. I have finally shed some of the weight I gained since moving to Florida and now I’m ready to get back into pole shape. I want to move fluidly and I want to lift my ass over my head and this program is gonna help me get there. You got some goals like that? You better click that link. Did I mention it’s in your house? When it’s convenient for you? Well it is. Click it.

Do It ALL!

Ohhhhhh, hai there! I know, I know. It’s been a minute. Sometimes life (or work) gets in the way of my scheduled blogging time. Dammit all to hell!

Anywho, let’s catch up. It’s been a busy few days. For whatever reason, work has been really busy recently. Either that or I’ve been unable to properly focus recently. I’d hate to say that it wasn’t proper focus when I’m three days into a regimen of gummies that are supposed to support brain health and function. (I also hate when I do something random and hurt myself and don’t know how but it coincides with taking these gummies. Do I really think that these gummies caused a pain in my calf? No. But it’s a coinkydink I don’t like.) So yes, let’s stick with work got busy there for a little bit.

Staying on the topic of work for a few minutes here. Like many to most of us, I’ve got this 9 to 5 job. I like it. I like the people I work with. My boss knows about my teaching after work and respects that. Just the other day, we were going long after 5pm and she interrupted to make sure that my time was respected and made sure that I didn’t have a class to get to. I mean, come on! How many bosses are out there doing that? Not a lot, I bet. So yeah, big ups to Sandy.

But am I ever content with just one job? No, I’m no lazy lima bean.

I’ve fallen into the side hustle world. This keeps happening to me so I’m gonna go ahead and assume that it’s just part of my grand scheme. I mean, teaching pole is SH #1 which isn’t really a side hustle. I mean, yes there is a monetary exchange, but the mental health benefits I get from being able to throw myself around the pole without being concerned that it’s going to come loose and crash through the front window of our rental, yeah, those outweigh everything.

I’m still (working on) learning WordPress. What does that mean? It means that I got started and was on a roll but then I went on vacation and then work got nuts and I fell all outta my schedule. Case in point, this is not my scheduled blogging time, but I did still want to get it done, so everything is wonky. I do feel that I’ve retained most of what I’ve gone over so far although it has been more review than new knowledge. I would truly be some sort of computer powerhouse if I could really knuckle down and go in-depth with what I know a little bit of. CSS, HTML, PHP, SQL. Hell, I’m already a web developer, I just don’t know it. Ha! But yeah, come on through, focus. I do enjoy doing this stuff too. I’m just weird.

Right, so I don’t just teach pole dancing (and handstands), I teach FabPole, which is the combination of aerial silks and pole. So, I like to put out videos (which I should do more regularly…see schedule issues) showing what FabPole is and whatnot. I’m also an ambassador for them. Speaking of being an ambassador, I’m also one for Namaste As Fuck. That one doesn’t require any work, I just wear their gear and post pics when I do. Discount codes are available! I’ve had a couple ambassadors from other companies reach out about doing this sort of thing for them too, but my plate is kinda full because….

After over ten years of doing the programs (and at least 5 but probably closer to 10 others asking me), I decided to hop on the Beachbody Coach train. A lot of people have a lot of different money goals with the company, but that’s not where my stream of income originates. I won’t be mad if some money comes through, but I won’t be the pusher that folks who are making the big bucks will be. And OMG speaking of Beachbody, this past Friday, no bigs. Just got to talk to Shaun T and his hubby Scott on IG live. I’m hoping someone will send me a screenshot because, you know, can’t really screenshot yourself like that.

Yep, so that’s all the things. When I write them out here, it doesn’t seem like so many. Even if I add flow arts it seems manageable. Until I try to put it all into play. Then there’s a fly in the ointment and he got mushed between some gears and he’s slowing everything down. Gross, right? I know! That’s where I’m trying to avoid…again. I can pull myself out, but I need to not get there in the first place. Ok, I’m gonna start that by finishing this, lol. See ya tomorrow.

Can’t I?!?

Hey, young Mick! Why you wanna rain on parades? I mean, the ladies are definitely wearing what appear to be raincoats, so I sorta get why you’re raining. But you’re also under a circus tent and there’s NEVER bad times under the tent. (Please, don’t go there about bad things under the tent at the Diaper. I know about that.)

I am curious how any female born between oh, let’s say 1960 to 1990 even is attracted to men. If you look at the majority of musicians/sex symbols from then, they all look like women. Lipstick, eyeliner, shaking their hips better than I can. You can’t always get the man that you want….but women are cool. That’s what I’m hearing. We’re just as bad as men though.

Ok, so, right. I’m a Sagittarius. We get what we want quite a bit. As a matter of fact, the total lunar eclipse was in Sagittarius so it’s our time and whatnot. An excerpt: ‘time to align with you personal desires’, ‘changes in your approach towards the world’, ‘you will be perceived differently by others’, ‘significant changes in your relationships are likely to take place’, ‘trust the process’. And that’s not even all of the stuff. Adding it in with what I have from my birth chart and things are really starting to look a lot different.

I realize that I have great potential and I’ve basically been holding myself back, but if all the signs and signals aren’t pointing towards changing that shit up, then I don’t know what is! So once again, I’ll need to get the fuck out of my own way. Just today, already, I can feel myself trying to creep back into my comfy space. I need to board that up because it isn’t really helping me move forward to create a new and better comfy space. One with a window seat and cushions and pillows and books and blankets and hot tea. Yeah. Did I mention this same comfy space has enough space for my pole AND space to spin my flow toys? Well, it does. And I’m gonna manifest the shit outta that space. I will have this space in less than 400 days. So let it be written, so let it be done.

That’s how I get what I want. I ask the Universe for it. If Universe thinks it’s good for me, I get it. If not, I’ve been spared some disaster down the road. I’ve been way too lucky in my life to not think like this. Seriously, I asked less than two weeks ago and got an answer and now I’m on that road. I think the Universe also realizes how much to send me at once. It might even keep other things away from me so that I don’t lose my focus. Thanks, Big U!

Not related to anything I’ve been chatting about here, but damn I feel good. I’ve always been one of those people who is always having some twinge of discomfort somewhere – usually near my shoulders or hips since I abuse those the most. Over the last few months, the CBD has been working its magic. Going up and down the stairs is no longer a column of suck. I can actually get up and down and not have to hobble. Not being in constant discomfort is a really crazy feeling and I’m diggin it. So much so that I’m gonna go throw myself around the pole. Peace!