Lookie here. I started this post at like 9 this morning and here it is 4 in the afternoon and I’m just getting to it. And do you know why? Because WORK! And this time, that is not a complaint.
I’m on day 8 of this gig and the training wheels are pretty much off. They love that I pick up stuff quickly (Me saying that I did was probably one of the reasons that they made me an offer in the first place. Me getting in there and doing it is somehow still blowing them away.) and am willing to just jump in and try to work out what I don’t already know. But yeah, feeling good on a Wednesday, right Randy? Ya ya ya.
So, Friday is the first of the month and the beginning of another year of NaNoWriMo. I’ve been aware of this for probably at least ten years now. I think I’ve started it maybe three times and never done more than maybe 1,000 words. Not this year, baby! This is my year. As much as I hate, and have hated creating an outline for any writing project since all the way back of the days of Mrs. Cocciolone (Mrs. C, if you’re reading this by some odd chance, thank you for just being you and encouraging me to be me. Also, sorry for the swearing, lol.). This is why the grand majority of my writing is stream of consciousness and sometimes doesn’t make sense. I mean, have you been inside my head? Of course not, you’d probably walk away once you were out and never turn back. It’s a maze in there, folks. Also amazing, but a maze too. 50,000 words is the goal through the month of November. I’m going to try not to be all, edit, re-edit, that doesn’t sound right, oh fuck all this noise. I promised myself I would do this one. I have a title. I even have cover art ready to go in my head for which I would gladly commission an artist to put on paper. Do I think it’s gonna be all best seller? Like I’m gonna be the black, female Stephen King of funny? Nope. But it’s gonna be good.
Know what else? I’m exercising and I’m stretching and I’m dancing and I’m gonna perform in December. Song selected. Possible outfit selected. Although I have to actually get it and try it on and make sure that there will be no costume malfunctions. I mean, I won’t get banned like Janet, but still. And who can tell me this doesn’t match perfectly for a country-type song and that I won’t be the cutest mf-er around in this? *cue the Keith Sweat* NOBODY!

Well, friends, I gotta scoot. If you see me all goofing around come mid-November, please feel free to ask me how the book is coming along or how my choreography is coming along. I need a kick in the pants as much as the next person. Til then, peace, love, and hair grease.