Yes, a hodgepodge. Sorry in advance.
Let’s start with yoga. There isn’t much to report on from Monday. I didn’t have an opportunity to chat after class as I had to get home ASAP because I had Lovey’s truck (BrotherMan had my car for his first day of work) and he had to get to work also. As though I didn’t know this already, my hip area is tighter than, well, insert your own little dirty ditty there as you like. My knees never make it to the floor in a butterfly stretch and attempting to do fire log pose is just a laugh and a half. No meditating today – I’m such a slacker.
Sunday night/super early Monday morning, I had just the most vivid dream. My dad was in it. I’m quite certain he hasn’t shown up in any of my dreams since he passed about 10 years ago. While I don’t fully remember the entire premise, it seemed like the real life situation had been reversed and my mom had passed and my dad was still kicking. I think that I was possibly living at home with him, but I’m not entirely certain. I do know that I had met someone and was considering either moving in with said person or possibly moving away with said person and my dad was really upset by this. The feeling I got was that he was about to lose his house and there was just a lot of lost feelings. It was really tearing me in half in the dream and I woke up a little bit disoriented. Kinda strange, but even in a dream that was far from happy, it was good to see him so clearly.
Yesterday, Lovey and I went to the first in our series of eight (indoor) snowboarding classes. It was an absolute blast. We got to start with some trampoline conditioning before we went over to the hill where we worked on heel side and toe side turns. Totally fun although I ended up with a wet butt as they dampen the carpet so that you can actually slide down it on your board. I’m hoping that at the end of the session, I won’t freak out every time I accidentally catch air and I might actually catch some on purpose! More fun…jumping off of a 12 foot platform into the big air bag. Wheeeee! The first one was scary until Lovey pointed out, um, you do flying trapeze and it’s higher. Next week I’m flipping into that bad boy!
Tomorrow is possibly the most full day I have had or will have in quite some time. Looks like this: wake up at 5:30. Head to the gym for yoga at 6:15. Come back home and stuff my face full of oatmeal (or maybe eggs if I’m feeling up to it) before I head over to the trapeze for some morning flying at 9. Fly till about noon and come home to shower before going to work at 1. Finish that up at 5 and scoot back to the house to change clothes and head over to Progresh for trampolining and tumbling class at 6. I’m there until 7-ish from where I’ll go directly to aerial fabric class at 8. Hmmm, I am definitely going to have to find a place to put food in there, huh? Hopefully I survive, lol.
Welp, I guess I had better go get dinner started because with any luck, I’ll be cheering the Pirates on to a win over these damn Cardinals and putting a few more wins between us and them. Let’s go, Bucs!!