I’m baaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!
Missed a day yesterday, but I’ve found that Tuesdays just aren’t a good night for writing. After work, come home and whip up a little dinner before heading off to pole class. Another great evening of working some new moves and crying over not getting some others, lol.
Let’s not forget that we’re working on P90X2. Tuesday was Plyocide. Death by plyometrics turned out to be not so bad. Again, I think I’m in better shape than I thought. Plyocide is way different than Plyometrics in the first P90X. I could NOT work my way through Plyometrics, but with Plyocide, sure, I still didn’t do as many reps on everything as they did on the video, but I made it.
Today was Recovery & Mobility. Love it and get it twice a week. Lots and lots of foam rolling. I almost considered doing it again this afternoon. Didn’t. Instead, made salad. Spinach, carrots, tomato, mushrooms, cheese, croutons, BACON, baked chicken, a bit of dressing, and a piece of garlic bread. Om. Nom. Nom.
Tomorrow, I have Total Body and Ab Ripper to look forward to. 80 minutes of sweating like a piggy. A sexy piggy. Hello abs, hello obliques, hello Iron X. I’m not doing the before and after pictures, but I know what I looked like then and what I want to look like in three months. Brick shithouse. Yeah. The diet change alone has been helping me to see results. Just last night my ripped-ness was being discussed. Hooray!
A few other things are still going on, more interesting stuff every day. Hopefully I’ll be able to discuss it sometime soon. Hopefully there’ll be something to discuss, lol.
Oh! But on the things I can discuss side, I am going to be teaching pole on Mondays instead of Wednesdays with two classes (starting in February) instead of one. Hooray for spin pole! Hooray for, hmmm, I’m thinking Rock Shop. Grab a chair and whip your hair, bitches! (Sorry, no ladies in this class. Let’s get ignorant and let the dirty girl out!)
I suppose that’s it for now. Tune in tomorrow for more of my random blathering. 🙂