Things on Tuesday – Bringing It Back

Sometimes, I know that I should write even if it’s only a little bit. Luckily, when I thought that today, I remembered Things on Tuesday. A blog – in bulletpoints.


  • I am really sore. My glutes are screaming in pain and the foam roller is probably just aggravating them. But of course, I won’t stop rolling. I’m running this show, muscles. You’re going to do what I want.
  • That’s it.


  • I’m into week 2 of the Foundation section of P90X2. I’m feeling good about it. I still hate Plyocide.
  • My body seems to remember actually being in shape and I’m toning up fairly quickly. I’m getting that wide shoulder, small waist triangle. Didn’t love it before, more okay with it now since the boobs balance it out.
  • Absolutely LOVED my mixed levels class last night. So many of the fun folks that I see all the time but don’t always get to take class with, let alone teach. Good times!
  • Crazy busy fun weekend! Brewfest, photo shoot, showcase, afterparty, please don’t do anything but rest your body on Sunday!
  • Choreography for said showcase is moving right along. Should be since I have a mere five days until performing with many things between now and then.

That’s it.

Short one today. Much to do with little time to do it! Have a kickass day!

By Shyne

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