This poor, neglected blog. I’m surprised it even lets me sign in any more. It probably wouldn’t were it not for Google Chrome being smart. At times, I don’t post because I just don’t have anything to say or I’m being lazy. This time, that is not the case. I’ve actually been too busy to breathe. Even as I type this, I’m counting the minutes until I need to leave the house again. I think the best way to catch up on what’s happened in August is……..bulletpoints!
- As a member of Imperial Flyers, we put on an awesome amateur circus show. No one got (seriously) injured and that always makes for a good time. Threw two tricks, caught two tricks. That’s a win in my book. Videos can be seen here.
- We passed our one year in Colorado/one year in our house milestone. It isn’t “our house” since it’s a rental, but it’s definitely our house. 🙂
- I went on a work retreat to Estes Park. It was really great to get to meet our near-shore development team from Mexico and our developers who are right here in the Denver area. We had a blast hanging around and talking and playing games. And drinking. And talking about the most ridiculous stuff ever. Have you de-wormed yourself lately?
- We made an appearance at my company’s picnic, for which I made some awesome pound cake cupcakes. The cupcakes started the weekend baking binge. The following weekend I made zucchini bread since one of Lovey’s co-workers had way too much zucchini and squash. It was so, so yummy. Lovey took a loaf to work and I got a few requests for my recipe. Yay me!
- WORK! If you’ve followed this blog at all in the previous years or if you have the time/energy to go back through the archives, you’ll know that my work situation in Miami was just to the left of awful. It was a toxic situation wherein, at one point, I was so stressed out that I was having what I called hobo dinner – a scoop of peanut butter and a beer. Well. All that has changed. My current job is the COMPLETE opposite of where I was. I enjoy my job. I get up in the mornings and I’m excited to go to work. I have piles and piles of things to do. My intelligence and willingness to help are acknowledged and appreciated. Oh yeah, and then there’s that fast track I’m on to be the manager of my little group and possibly a couple others. I’m doing some online classes through work to brush up on my management skills. I’m learning another of our lines of business. And just the other day, I found out that I’ll be shooting over from App Support to QA full time for the remainder of the year. We’re looking at quite possibly the beginning of the year for wheels to start not just turning, but peeling out with posi-traction. Funny also that my boss lives within a 5 minute walk from my house and her boys go to the school down the street from my house. It is really great to enjoy my job again. It’s no Don Pablo’s and it’s no Club Med, but it’s probably as close as I’ll get in “corporate America”. Also, I get to work from home two days a week. WIN!
- POLE! If you came here through Facebook, you’ve seen my profile picture and you know that I do a little pole dancing. It’s the closest thing to circus without having a trapeze in the house. I started in Miami with the lovely Michelle Meier, currently of Iron Flower Fitness. I have infinite thanks for Michelle, because, had it been any other instructor, other than the equally wonderful Marissa Alma Nick, I doubt that my pole journey would have come this far. Where Michelle gave me my base, Marissa inspired me to move more gracefully. Both ladies were just so instrumental, if you’re in Miami, living or just visiting, do yourself a favor and go visit them. Fast forward a few years past Miami and I’ve found a new place to hone my craft – Boulder Spirals. Sasha and Melanie just couldn’t be any more supportive, warm, and welcoming. And let’s not forget wildly intelligent, because they did, after all, select me to work through their Apprentice training. That’s right, I’m currently making my way towards being able (I think I’ve always been able, I’m just receiving the opportunity) to spread my love for pole dancing, fitness, and giving women an opportunity to step out of their usual box and feel strong, sexy, and empowered.
So, you see, I’ve been quite busy. You should see my iPhone calendar. August was crazy. A dot on more than half of the days. September is currently only holding 11 dots, but hey, it’s only the first! If you can believe it, I’m still trying to find time to prepare for a student showcase around mid-month which will be my first public pole performance, get to the boxing gym a little more regularly, and write. I still have a couple of ideas for books that I need to get on paper…or computer.
This is my stolen time. The time before I absolutely MUST get up and get ready for work (where I can throw on jeans and a t-shirt and flip-flops and be appropriately dressed) but after the alarm has gone off. The quiet time. The only time I have for writing. But again, I say that I will try to find this time more often. And perhaps I will since fun stuff is actually going on. Even now, there is more stuff happening, but, dear reader, there’s only so much I’ll bombard you with in one sitting. We’re already at a thousand words for this post. So with that, I will leave you, wishing you a happy September, a happy, long, Labor Day weekend, a working air conditioner if you’re here in CO with me (we’ll be breaking a temperature record today…97 in September), and just lots of fun, love, and happiness. Go forth and caterpillar climb!