By Shyne

5 thoughts on “She’s bringing back the 80s”
  1. It really is coming back. I see kids all over campus with 80's clothes and hair. It is a testament to getting old. The style that I wore in Jr. High is back in style.

  2. oh, lord. WHY don't kids believe us when we tell them that 80s fashion is no good?! hehe. they're gonna have the same embarrassing pics that we do. haha!

  3. She is completely taking the route that my brother did, rocking her own "style" and not caring what anyone else thinks about it, unfortunately.
    @Kelleah – Are you kidding?!?! That's an expensive perm to make that stick straight.
    @Jillzey – I'm about to start rocking leg warmers myself, but that's because of frigid temps in the office.
    @ grrrace – BWAHAHA, you could throw her in the pool and she still wouldn't believe that water is wet.

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