On the freezer.
I suppose I could be called clumsy at times (odd thing to say about a former trapeze artist, but true). I've had my fair share of stupid injuries (bicycle crashes, sprained ankles, the usual bumps and bruises), but I've topped myself this time.
Right now, as I live and breathe, I have a small blister on my left thumb. And how did I come upon this blister, you may ask? Why sheer stupidity, dear reader. Two evenings ago, I went to refill my trusty purple water cup with ice. Now, let it be known that the ice maker has its ups and downs, and one of the major downs is that it doesn't dispense ice through the door of the freezer as it should. The reality of life dictates that this doesn't get fixed because who has time to stay home and take a day off of work just to have the ice dispenser fixed? Not I.
So, as I reach into the "hopper" to get some ice, for some unknown reason, I hit my hand on the top of the gizmo. I quickly pulled it away as I realized, "Ouch! That burns!" I continued on with my ice filling not thinking much about it until I went upstairs and it started to burn more. I mentioned my ice party to the love of my life who informed me that hot water ran through the ice maker. Does this make sense to you? It didn't make sense to me, but true it is shown by this stupid blister.
Note to self: Do not put hand on the underbelly of the ice maker.
wait – HOT water runs through the ICE maker? did the love of your life explain how that works?