Nope. No way. Uh uh. There is nothing to do with that football player here. GTFOH. In this case, the T is for TFL. We can also say it’s for tushie. What the hell am I talking about? I’m talking about a 3am wakeup call that sends painful tingles down your leg. And you might think you can walk it off, but first you’ve got to struggle to just get out of the bed….all while doing your best not to grunt and wake your hubby. Yay.

Luckily, I have some of the tools to fix myself in the home arsenal. Massage wands, percussion massager, inversion table, pretty much all of the RadRoller stuff, and other stretching tools, but I’m still lacking the mother of them all. It’s a little tool I like to call the sander. Why? Because it looks like something you would sand a floor with. Hell, it might actually be the same tool. Waking up in pain was pretty much the straw that broke the camel’s back and it’s getting ordered today.

In the meantime, I managed to punch the muscles into submission with the percussion massager until I could get to the chiropractor today. But even before that, it was (oh so thankfully) mobility and stability day. I didn’t think I was going to be able to get through it and the first round was really rough, but by the third and final round, I started thinking that I didn’t even need to go to the chiropractor. That thinking is incorrect, but I still thought it.

So yes, first thing off I went. I always get the standard neck and back stuff but today I asked for and received the sander because pretty much my whole left side was in spasm. He had to release all of those muscles before he could put things back into place. Imagine it. Muscles are freaking out so badly that they’re pulling bones out of place. Cut it out!

In addition to the regular stuff, I request what I like to think of as the 10-point tuneup. That involves the ankles, knees, hips, elbows, and shoulders. I guess I’d been ignoring my check engine light for too long as I was 80% out of alignment in my tuneup. But lemme tell you something: once everything got put back into place, it was like an instant head rush/high/ With everything back into its optimal position, I felt like a million bucks!

I guess the moral of the story here is to take care of your body, folks. It can do some magical shit if you treat it right. I’m treating it right with these shakes. At the halfway point of month one, I think it’s cleared the extra poop out of the ole colon. I’d really like to see if/how it’s changed my bloodwork in a month, BUT I even more really don’t want to visit the vampires. As such, I’m gonna just have to go by feeling and looking. Looking good, Billy Ray!

Nothing new to report on the shake touchpoints. Rolling along at an even keel for everything. So with that, I’ll take my leave. Just a reminder that tomorrow is Thirsty Thursday and no one has sent me any messages. I’m gonna have to go into my own damn bank. Fine. See you then.

By Shyne

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