Lotta ass in this video. You’ve been warned.
And what brings this up you might ask? Well, let me tell you. Last night, I went back to Zumba after a holiday hiatus of five weeks, as my phone was so nice to tell me. As we were dancing (or spazzing) up a storm, I started listening to the lyrics of the song that was on and trying to decipher them. My Spanish is not great at best, but I’m quite sure we were dancing to some song about a chicken. Zumba is also where I first heard that song up there, Veo Veo. Again, disclaimer on my Spanish, but between what I know and what the interwebs tell me, this one is similar to a kid’s song that they’ve just put a nice beat to. Anyone who is fluent can jump in and comment here, but my (very loose) translation is along the lines of “Lookie lookie, what’s that you see? A little thing, what’s that you see?” Internet says it goes through some letters that the thing starts with. No wonder there’s so much Ass in the video when supposedly the first letter is ‘A’. Regardless of what it means, I enjoy it.
Back on that Zumba tip, I forgot how much I missed it when I wasn’t going. Twice a week is my goal – Tuesdays and Thursdays. I swear it’s a coincidence that the teachers on those days are Hispanic. Anywho, we have a gentleman on Tuesday and a lady on Thursday. I like the Tuesday class because the instructor, Dan, makes it difficult. Not to the point where folks can’t do it, but it is Car-D-O! There’s also quite a bit of hip shaking and grinding fun. I like the Thursday class because Helene shouts stuff out in Spanish and it’s a good place to practice that while I work out.
Dan likes to go around the class and hip shake or grind on/with students. Don’t go getting all up in arms – NOBODY is complaining. I had always been able to avoid the grinding, not really by my own doing I don’t think, but there’s a chance that I rolled an eye once or twice. Knowing the formula, after the first bits of the song, I can finish it without a whole lot of paying attention to the instructor. Imagine my surprise when I glance up and see Dan making a beeline for me. Ummmmm….well, this isn’t a grinding song so what the heck do you want? He stopped right in front of me and put his right arm up and angled his left arm down, which, although you can’t see it, I’m sure you’ll know exactly what I’m talking about when I say it’s the international sign for “let’s dance”. Ok, in my case, it’s the sign for “try not to embarrass yourself” because I am NO dancer. Ask anyone who worked with me in Turks and tried to get me to dance. Or anyone in Ixtapa for that matter. The only time I can dance is the only time I can speak Spanish – when I’m drunk. I mumbled something similar before we did a little salsa with a turn out and one back in. I stepped on no one’s feet and I knocked no one down. I call that a win.
While it’s only been two weeks and change, I’m not ready to call my splits progress a win. But there’s a long way to go yet in this year. Pictures are more for me than you, so sorry about that.
I’d say that this looks like zero progress, lol.
Lots of time left in the year, thank goodness.
It’s the last day to sign up for the writing lab that I’ve mentioned. If I can remember to pick up one item after I shower this morning, then I will enroll. I have until, I believe, 2pm my time today, to stop being such a damn procrastinator. I have these books inside me and I know that at least one person would be down to read my mind drivel. Just need some confidence and focus and perhaps some encouragement. Yeah, that’s the ticket. Jump on this bandwagon now so you can say later, “I knew her when she was just blogging about working out and doing splits!”
Have you ever considered penning a book? Or two? Did you do it? What helped/hindered you?
Since I’m not that famous writer yet, I’ve gotta go get ready for work. Have a great hump day!
[…] could put up before and after, or you could just go look here. I know that I’m making progress and that’s kinda more important than you knowing. […]