January 2014

ROCO Friday – One Of Those Days

I swear, that might as well be called “The Period Song”.

Even though, yes, TGIF and it’s payday too (yay to the first full promotion paycheck!), it’s still starting out to be one of those days.

Tomorrow, we’re going to head up to Keystone to enjoy some of the nearly two feet of snow they’ve gotten in the last 48 hours. For this excursion, we’re up at 5am. Well, I nearly stroked out when I woke up in the middle of the night, bewildered, thinking we hadn’t set the alarm and we were way behind schedule, only to realize when I was halfway out of bed that it was only Friday. I don’t even know what time it was at that point. Probably like 3 in the morning. Who wakes from dead sleep like that? Oh yeah, I do. I once woke up yelling, “Chips and salsa to table 73!!” when I’d been doing too many shifts at Don Pablo’s, but there can’t possibly be such a thing as too much snowboarding. (Not a question…not even a rhetorical one.)

Finish up with that whole sleeping thing and get up and have coffee and breakfast (hooray for work from home Fridays!!) and set up my little office area and I call in to our morning meeting. After only hearing hold music for 5 minutes, I send an IM to someone else and ask if I dialed in to the wrong number to which she replied, “It’s not 8:30 yet.”  Yes, I was calling in a half an hour early. I mean, it isn’t as though I haven’t been dialing in to this meeting at the same time every day for almost a year and a half. Yes, TGIF cuz it’s one of those days.

Let’s talk about some positive things because it is, after all, Friday. It’s WFH Friday! I really appreciated that as I sat here in the kitchen with my coffee listening to my neighbors scrape their windshields.

Aaaaand, emergency, I’ve created a (work) disaster. It’s been fun. Have a great Friday!!


A Mild Slump – But A Video Too!

That’s where I am. The rational part of my mind realizes that I do plenty enough; the irrational part thinks all I do is lay on the couch and eat BonBons. The rational part of my mind knows there are only so many hours in a day; the irrational part says I could be doing SO. MUCH. MORE with my time. Hey mind, how’s about you get your act together?!?!

With only today and tomorrow left in the month, I could either finish strong or take it easy. You go ahead and guess which train I’m on. I think that having a “recovery week” in any exercise program is detrimental to my progress. It happens every time. I get lazy and I don’t do the recovery week exercises because they aren’t challenging enough. The rational part of my mind says that’s because it’s a RECOVERY week you moron; the irrational part says you’re so lazy because you aren’t sweating. Just sit around instead (because that somehow makes me LESS lazy?) On Monday, I’ll start the whole program over again. It’s not actually that bad to start over since it will have me finishing three weeks closer to vacation. Still leaves a month to spare. 122 days and counting. That will be a challenge – to write every day whilst on vacation. Trying to keep up a routine of anything while on a ship is tough. When you’re not working there, that is, and I certainly will not be working.

On the list of accomplishments for January, I completed our FabPole routines class. Video below. Hard to believe that we did this over the course of four weeks with only one hour per class. There will be a prettified version at some point, but this is it for now. I’d like to do it over, tweak some things here and there, but for the most part, I’m satisfied. Also, my armpits have fabric burn. Schmexy!

So at least there is that accomplishment for January, combined with I have put words in this blog every day and I worked out for most of the month. (As much as I know that numbers on the scale shouldn’t mean crap, I was still pretty disappointed when I got on the scale at the gym earlier this week.) Promotion plus raise is good. Bringing my gym membership fees down to a steal of $20 a month is pretty outrageous. Even if I only go to one Zumba class a week, I’m still saving at least $20 a month with this membership. It’s out of control and I love it! Bonus hot tub, steam room, and sauna included.

A family friend is a part of an event tonight that we’ve been invited to. Said event is in a strip club (which you *know* I have no issue with) and they’re combining with a “strip-off”. I didn’t know about this part until I started doing some research. Prize is $200. Chances hubby would not blow a gasket if I breathed in that direction? 2000%, lol. Perhaps I’ll just send my brother and he’ll have a good time. Because if you can believe the meteorologists, and you can’t, it’s supposed to snow 20 feet tonight or some minuscule amount that everyone will act like is 20 feet. Buck up already! This is Colorado where you should be used to the snow driving by now.  There can’t be that many transplants here from non-snowy states, although there are a lot of transplants here, us included. 🙂 We add flava to this pretty white state. (You add or remove punctuation as you wish there.)

Well, kids, we’re in the home stretch of this week. Be proud of yourself that you made it this far and give yourself something to look forward to every day even if it’s only the end of your work day. Have a great Thursday and be excellent to each other – name the movie.

Another Day in Pair Of Dice


No, I’m not in Vegas and it isn’t looking like I’ll get there in 2014. We certainly want to go back,though. It’s been 4 or 5 years since we’ve gone. This time, we’ll do it in the summer though so we can check out the pools. No swimming in January, that’s for sure (at least not for me).

Others on my list of places to go include, from near to far more or less, Garden of the Gods, Crested Butte, Park City, pretty much anywhere in Cali since I’ve never been there, Banff, New Orleans, the northeast adventure (PA/NY/DC), and pretty much all of Mexico. I’ll leave my outside of North America list for another day. Have passport, will travel!

Yes, I’m on that vacation kick because, well, I like vacation and work is slowly driving me insane and I STILL haven’t even started doing the new position yet, at least not full time. When I get to doing this full time, they may very well put the pedal to the metal and bump that mother up to 100, making my drive to insane a heck of a lot shorter. I’m hoping that isn’t the case, but a very wise man once told me “wish in one hand and shit in the other and see which fills up faster”. Translation: yes, it’s gonna suck. You said you’d go all in for a year so have at it. Just keep dancing.

Dancing. Exercise. Zumba. I love that class. And now I have something additional to work on because I can’t just go in there and move around and sweat and be satisfied. I want to actually LOOK LIKE I’m doing it right. Tough one since I’m not Hispanic nor do I have more than one ounce of rhythm. Such a shame. I did get a hint to help me along my way from my instructor (whose hips NEVA lie) who is also a Samba dancer. He said, and I’m making this up paraphrasing, get out of your gringa ways and move your hips in the way that is completely unnatural to you! Yeah, yeah. I get it. In my head. Now what my body wants to do is a totally different story. Just keep dancing, just keep dancing.

From dancing to other fun physical stuff: handstands. They’re something that I’ve wanted to be able to do for quite some time. Why? No reason. Just thought it would be cool to be able to bust one out whenever I feel like it. Maybe on the mountain with my snowboard on, who knows? I suppose I’ve just never really put the effort into working on them (and this week I haven’t been putting in effort to working out very hard), BUT, Aerial Amy (over there in the blogroll in case you don’t want to search for this post again) mentioned how she’s going to do the 28-day handstand challenge. We have different obstacles to overcome, but she’s starting on Feb 1 and so I think I’ll join her. Perhaps Nina would like to join too. 🙂  Still a couple days to figure it out. Yes, I am going to add one more thing to the daily repertoire. Workout, stretch, handstands, write, breakfast, work, lunch, work, Zumba/pole/aerial, dinner, write, sleep. Totally do-able (insert eyerolling emoticon here). If I were feeling really outrageous, I’d add the 750 words a day challenge for February as well, but I think I’ll stick to just getting some (at least 100) words down a day.

Yesterday I realized that I hadn’t broken my goals down by month. Today seems like a good time to do that since there are only a few days left here in January. So let’s see. What should we do in February?

  • 28-day handstand challenge
  • 28 days of working out. Preferably P90X3, but snowboarding can substitute if I ride hard
  • 12 split-specific days of stretching, 20 minimum total stretching days
  • 28 days of blogging
  • 28 days of writing lab assignments
  • Set up private and find my place in PDP with the L’Ru ladies

I’d go on, but I’m sure that’s ENOUGH! Just goals. I’m going to aim for them but I’m not going to beat myself up over missing any of them. Maybe blogging, but not the others because these are lofty goals. I swear a goal should be to clean the house top to bottom, but boy is that not fun. It isn’t even that it’s so dirty, just dusty mainly, but that’s gonna have to wait until a warm day where I can open windows and not be a dust-sneezing monster. I’m not entirely sure why this house has so much dust, but it does. It’s literally dusty within an hour after cleaning. Air ducts need cleaned much? Probably. Are we going to pay for that in a rental? No. And neither will the owners so we just have a dusty house.

You know how I enjoy my morning chats with you four, but the time has come for me to get a move on. Happy Hump Day!

The Tax Man

I’d say that we’re almost officially into tax season. I don’t know if it has an official start date,but if there were, I would guess that it’s January 31, the latest date by when employers are supposed to have all the tax forms out. This season is always interesting to me with people and their radically different filing ways. Always some wait till the very last day to files and some immediate files.

Sidebar: Pretty sure my parents were the wait till last day folks. I distinctly remember driving all the way to downtown Pittsburgh one year when I was young so that they could get their taxes in the mail before midnight. Course, could be my silly, muddled mind making things up, but pretty sure it isn’t.

I have always been a member of the file immediately group, except for last year when we had to pay (WTF). Cannot even begin to tell you how many times I’ve heard about changing my deductions and crap because I’m giving the government an interest-free loan. Gah! Yes, there is likely some truth in that, but there’s also truth in the fact that I probably wouldn’t tax myself and then give some of it back in February either.

We’re just so happy that we aren’t paying this year. That was a real kick in the teeth last year, but we made the proper adjustments and now we’re getting a refund greater than either of us had thought it would be. A fun little unexpected surprise that we’ll use for fun things like paying bills. Boring! Maybe we’ll have cool bonuses (boni? ha!) at work and can do something fun with that. Probably like pay more bills. No more credit card debt in 2014? Feasible if I keep the plastic hidden. It’ll also be a lot easier once we get past ski season because a random weekend trip to the mountains in the summer is a lot more affordable than a winter one. Gotta admit that we’ve gotten some super sweet deals this season though on lodging.

So, here we are, almost at the end of January. In my opinion, time, in 2014, has lost its everloving mind. Some days and weeks are flying by and some are taking their sweet time and the sweet time of the time in front of it. Time must be like a tiny ball of snow at the top of a mountain. In January, it just moves along, slowly gaining momentum, until POW! It’s a huge, killer ball of snow racing down the mountain at the speed of time and all of a sudden it’s Halloween/Thanksgiving/Christmas and 2014 is over. Yes, that’s exactly how it is.

It’s probably at about the end of January every year when, if I’ve made resolutions, I say to myself, “hey you, you shoulda done month to month goals instead of over the whole year goals,” and every new year I forget to do it that way. At almost 1/12th of the way through the year, I think I’m doing ok. I’ve definitely gotten words down in the blog daily. I’m working out and stretching (probably overstretching). PHP training has started although it’s on a bit of a hold until I finish up with the writer’s lab. Steps have also been taken to get good at an apparatus. I don’t know that it’ll stay FabPole throughout the year, but who knows. It’s a challenge. More of a challenge than saying I’ll get good at flying trapeze this year because I know I won’t, lol. Yeah, yeah, go across more, return to the bar, return to the board. Maybe. If I fly at all this year. *GASP!*

Well, folks, it’s about that time of the day where I go prep to get at it. While I’m gone, tell me,do you file right away or do you hop on my procrastination wagon? I mean, what else are we gonna talk about on a Tuesday?

Off Schedule

Yep, when I’m posting blogs after 8 in the evening, I’m way off schedule. I was a considerable fail this morning as far as writing in the blog although I did catch up on writing for the lab and paying bills. So, I’m actually gonna retract that fail and call it a win. Because I’m good enough; I’m smart enough; and gosh darn it, people like me!

It’s pretty crazy that I live in Colorado, we get 3 inches of snow, and everyone drives like they just got here from Hawaii. I saw one person completely lost their sh!t in the sharpest corner in the area. Cops and a tow truck for you! Some folks driving way too fast, some way too slow. But no hassles for the brown bomber…either one of us.

Speaking of Colorado, and Denver in particular, they are all about their Broncos here! Granted, they don’t really have the fervor that Steelers fans have all year round, but it’s a good showing for them. Since Peyton’s certainly gonna win it, I wonder if he’ll go back-to-back and then call it or try one more time and hope for the double. You know how I love a conspiracy theory.

A mere 200 words before I’m tapped out. That’s kinda sad. However, while these posts are shrinking, I think my writing lab ones are growing within their confines.  I’m ok with that. So ok that I’m gonna call it a night and maybe I’ll have some super nutty dream to tell you about in the morning. G’night.