Been a few minutes since I last posted but it was just one of those weekends.
Steelers. Sad face. But, boy was the game a blast. So, I’m 1-1 on wins for going to see Steelers games but batting 1000 on having fun at games. Met some nice folks from the home area, had a few adult beverages, and got to check out the club section at Invesco  Sports Authority Field at Mile High. Really nice area that had a ton of Steelers fans driving Broncos fans crazy. Still a wonderful time since there’s no real rivalry between the teams, there was just good natured ribbing between the fans. I had the most delicious deconstructed salmon wellington. And you know what? At $13, it was a fantastic deal. I would expect to pay more than that in a restaurant for that dish!
In other news, not much else is going on. Still have to work on choreography for the show at the end of the month. Still waiting on answers. Still stretching. Still about 3 inches away from a split on the good side. Still not enough time in the morning to blog. I have to get up earlier.
Have a great day, folks!