Well, 2010, here you are. I didn’t stay awake to see you make your entrance, but then again, I haven’t done that in a while now. I did make it to 11:30 but I really just couldn’t be bothered with trying to stay up any longer. You’d show up whether I was there to greet you or not.
I’m not really of the school of 2009 was sooo bad, so hurry up 2010. I realize that a lot of bad things happened to a lot of people, but on a whole, 2009 wasn’t that terrible, at least, not for me. 2010, though, you, you have potential to be a great year.
You started out in the cold but beautiful Breckenridge, Colorado. I’ll tell you one thing, 2010 and all of your followers, we won’t be traveling during the holidays any more. Next year our Christmas will hopefully be white and we’ll just be able to hit a mountain within driving distance.
Looking at the rest of January, my schedule is already full. The last class of this Bachelor’s degree starts on the 5th. It’s been such a long time coming and there really aren’t even words to describe how happy I am to be this close to done. One Saturday this month, I will need to go and get trained in CPR. Why? Well, because at the end of the month, on a Saturday, I’ll be going to Zumba training so that I will be a certified instructor. Oh, yeah, and at some point, I’ll also need to read through all of my training manuals so that I can also do my group fitness certification. Might sound as though it makes no sense to finish a degree and then take an entirely different route, but as far as I’m concerned, I can never be good at too many things.
February will bring (finally!) the graduation. It is the culmination of years of work, of staying home, of banging my head against the wall at times. Finally, it will be over. I will have “gotten that paper” and hopefully it’ll be worth it somewhere.
March, April and May don’t have exact milestones as of yet, however, they will be filled with dress hunting, invitation sending and general paranoia about if the wedding will go off without a hitch. Yikes! These three months will also be filled with job hunting and apartment searching for the new place out west as well as trying to prep the house we’re in to be in move-in condition for someone else. These will probably be the three most stressful but entirely worth it months because leaving Miami is really a high priority for me.
June, I’m really looking forward to you. It’ll be nice and warm and we’ll be on our way to Cancun to be married on the beach. Immediately following seeing off our guests, we’ll begin luxury lounging at our hotel for a week before we come home and finish up packing the house. If all goes just perfectly, we’ll be in our new place, wherever that may be, by the fourth of July.
July and August will be dedicated to adjusting to our new neighborhood, hopefully making some friends, and getting everyone settled in their new jobs/schools.
The last third of the year is really just anyone’s guess. I’m probably doing good to have as much planned out as I do. Maybe closer to the end of the year I’ll revisit this and see what’s up for the end of the first year of this new decade.