Learn something(s) new every day

Today, I hold these truths to be self-evident:

  • Even with my glasses on, I don't particularly care for driving at night.
  • Driving at night with no dashboard lights (and no paradise by them) is weird.
  • If I am going to be serious about performing this winter, I am going to have to forfeit television for a while. (Except for football.  Never over football.)
  • I will probably have a tough time walking tomorrow because my calves will be aching.
  • I have lost the majority of my core strength.
  • The flexibility in my back could be compared to the flexibility in a 2×4.
  • Retraining your mind and body is very difficult.
  • Beer really IS super-refreshing after a workout.  I would imagine not a heavy beer, but a Heineken Light went down like butta baby!

Thank you.  Good night.

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By Shyne

9 thoughts on “Learn something(s) new every day”
  1. Why no dashboard lights?Though there's an implied "workout" excuse for the sore calves, I prefer to imagine a naughtier option.I find beer to be super refreshing 99% of the time. It definitely would be right now (at work, eating at Marathon energy bar & being pissed off about working till midnight)Hope your flexibility returns. Overall, you sound like you're having fun.

  2. Ah, no light because of a burnt-out fuse, yet I only remember about it when I have to use the lights. Fuses are at home and everything.
    Yeah, hanging from your knees on a trapeze bar for a while will create sore calves, although naughty is more fun. 🙂
    Oh, it's not returning, I'm trying for an initial acquisition.

  3. Thanks for reminding me. I went out to look and it isn't a fuse. So now I'm all confoozled. Hopefully, whatever it is will behave until I have to take the ROCO-mobile in for her next doctor's appointment.

  4. I think that anything's possible at this point. Sometimes they come on and stay a second, sometimes a minute or two, but they always turn back off. As long as the engine is still going and the tires are still round, it's good enough for me. 🙂

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