Whew! Yesterday was quite lengthy. Up at 4 to catch the 4:30 shuttle for our 6:20 flight. Best. Flight. Ever. Only half full with the flight crew encouraging us to spread out. Gotta love that sort of flight. Plus it was nice and short so I barely had time to be distraught about flying. Win!
More shuttles from the airport to the port and finally we got to board the ship. The Navigator of the Seas is an older ship that just got a facelift a couple of months ago. It’s pretty decent. Our room is spacious and that’s all that really matters. Also, the balcony dividers are more top to bottom so it allows for more privacy. Nothing will ever beat the aft balconies on Carnival, but this balcony is better than the one we had on the Allure, oddly enough. I spend a lot of time on the balcony, usually, listening to the siren song of the sea.
We walked around the ship. A LOT. My step tracker on my phone says that I walked 18,911 steps which it equates to 9.3 miles. Granted, that’s the whole day of airport and such, but I’d venture to say that most of it was on the ship.
Food! All of it! You’d think that I’d be getting nutty, but no, only in my own special way. I eat vegetables like they’re going out of style because I don’t have to cook them. And I get to have all kinds of fish. So, yeah, I eat like a pig – a really healthy one, lol. It makes for eating more than 3 times a day though. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I’m still gonna have some sweets, like the Starbucks I have included on this package, but I’m in veggie land. Ohhhh, and guacamole! We were walking around and one of the folks from the Mexican restaurant, Sabor, was out taking reservations and giving out guacamole samples. Delicious would have been an understatement. I really wanted to just eat it directly out of the huge bowl it was in. Perhaps with my hands. I’m so stoked that we’re going there for dinner. We may have to go twice.
I guess the biggest difference on this ship is the lack of “big show” entertainment. Granted, the last RC ship’s entertainment was awful, so maybe we’re better off without it on this ship. I’ve heard that the ice show is really good though, so we’re gonna check that out.
After a long day of traveling and walking, we called it early (after the Pirates game that we so awesomely could watch in our room). More fun and adventures tomorrow!
Here’s some water behind the ship (since you’ve never seen water, obviously) and the Promenade on the ship.

That’s a lot of walking!
I expect to see numbers like that on my trip. I leave in 3 days!! Though, not for a cruise ship.
When you go to a restaurant like that for food, is it part of what you’ve already paid for? idk how these things work, but I’ll be going on a cruise some time next year I think.
Have fun!!
Also, get off the computer/phone. This is your vacation! haha.