OMG is it Sunday yet?!?!?! Let’s have a little warm-up.
Ok! Ready to goooooooo! (Sad face that the video is wider than my notebook. Oh well, I don’t feel like fixing it.)
So here we are, a week into the new year. I’ve been sore every day this year. Fortunately, it is due to be active rather than inactive. Hopefully, by the end of next week, my body will stop crying. But I know that won’t happen. I’ve been good with my daily morning stretching, but now I have to start working on the afternoon workout. I will have the rockin bod that I had back when we went to Mexico the first time.
The last couple of nights I’ve been sleeping like absolute crap. Excited to go to the game much? Nah, not me.
Today is wear your Broncos gear to work day. Of course, I’ll be in all black everything. It’s take your Ward to work day. #86 I want to take my Terrible Towel, but I only have one and I’m not having some hater at work make it disappear.
Stretching really cuts into my writing time. I may have to back the alarm clock up 15 minutes. But you don’t care about that. Let’s get hyped for the game!