QotD: But Everyone Likes Me!

Why do you think it is some people don't get along with you?

Really?  Could be that my sense of humor is dark, dry and utterly sarcastic.  Could be that my idea of jokes are some people's idea of mean.  Maybe because, at times, the jokes I make are over their heads and that equals I'm being mean.  Could be because I'm just a bitch at times.

Wait, no, cross out all those answers.  Real answer = I don't care.

See?  I am a bitch.

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By Shyne

2 thoughts on “QotD: But Everyone Likes Me!”
  1. Could be that my sense of humor is dark, dry and utterly sarcastic.
    Could be that my idea of jokes are some people's idea of mean. Maybe
    because, at times, the jokes I make are over their heads and that
    equals I'm being mean.I could have written those same words. I'm not mean, I just sometimes come off that way. 😛

  2. Ah well. I'm okay with me as I'm sure you're okay with you. For those who are okay with neither of us, I believe Denis Leary once said:
    "Life's rough, get a f*$&ing helmet." 🙂

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