
Hello, October


It’s Buctober!! Yes, after that 20 season drought, our Pittsburgh Pirates are in the playoffs for the third consecutive season. This is the year. This is the one where we go further. I’m hoping with everything I have that this is the year that we go all the way. I mean, who doesn’t want to see the Batman go out on top? AJ has put it in for us and I hope we can return the favor in this, his last season.

You know that song isn’t only about the Battlin’ Buccos (#theseguys), but it’s also all good for the gridiron gang, the Renegades, the Steelers. Even though our number one guy is holding it down on the sidelines with a bum knee, we still take the field strong tonight against the hated, dirty, filthy Ratbirds of Baltimore.  May the good guys prevail.

On to non-sports related items. On Tuesday, I caught up with an old buddy and we went to work out together. Good times! The text messages the next day were pretty hilarious as we realized that we’re a little out of shape and we commiserated on our pained muscles. Yep, we’re sore, but not so sore that we won’t try it again next week. Cuz we’re silly like that. And I need to get out of the house at least once a week to see people besides the one I’m married to. 🙂

In that same vein, more or less, for the last 2 weeks, I’ve been taking two supplements (which I got for free in exchange for an honest review). One is Ashwagandha (say that five times fast) which is sort of a stress reliever/fog clearer, and the other is a joint support formula that has glucosamine, chondroitin, and MSM.  More for me than for you, so I remember what I want to write in my month-end review, neither produces immediate results, which is typical.  I’m a chiropractic regular, so I asked my guy how long it would take before I might feel any effect from the joint combo. He said probably around two weeks and that’s where I am now.  First, though, let’s talk about Ashwagandha, going forward known as Ash.

As I come to a close on the second month of my new job, I feel as though the Ash is helping. A new job is always a little stressful and this one is tie-one-on-inspiring. I promise you that three weeks ago, when I made it to 5 o’clock, walking away from my computer was the biggest relief in the world. Walking away was usually accompanied by some sort of relaxing function…like beer. Currently, 5 o’clock rolls around and I’m still happy to be done with my day, but I’m on a different mental level. I’m not feeling like I want to throw shit or punch puppies or bawl my eyes out. Just happy to have finished another day of work. I haven’t been overly upset with anything else either. And I’ve adopted a life’s too short kind of attitude. We’ll see how that all pans out.  Go Ash!

Now, for the joints. Maybe you know, maybe you don’t, that I have a small partial tear in the labrum of my left hip. The tear itself doesn’t really cause any pain, but the muscles that tighten up around it trying to do their protection dance are real jerks. And, let’s face it, I’m not getting any younger and yet I keep putting my body through the paces of a younger person. In return, my body does most of this shit but lets me know it isn’t happy by groaning and creaking and sometimes crunching.

The crunching usually happens in the knees whenever I’m going down into or coming up from a squatting position. Has it stopped completely in the last two weeks? No. Has it gotten a little less loud? Yes. Joint point!

My feet. They’re a train wreck. My toes tend to raise up off the ground and I look ridiculous when I walk. Combining stretching, my gua sha tools, and the joint combo looks as though it may make things a little better.  My toes almost lay flat on the floor when I put my foot down now. By the end of the bottle, maybe they’ll be normal and I’ll stop putting holes in my fucking sneakers because of my mangle-toes.

Back to those hips. They don’t lie. They also don’t really like me. But, they’re warming up to me as I keep feeding them the joint combo. Notice I said warming up and not opening up because, even though I put in work on them for the month of September, there was only a tiny bit of progress. But hey, I guess I can’t expect magic in 30 days after 30 plus years of abuse.

So, we’ll see what comes of another 2 weeks of this horse pill regimen. Because if I can keep choking these things down, I can do anything! Like stand on my hands. I WILL accomplish this…before I turn 45, lol. Giving myself a little buffer.

Have a great night, folks. Get behind my boys tonight. All of them! #blackandyellow


Adventures in Baseball


Since we’ve been out here in Colorado, I do believe that we’ve made it to at least one game of each Pirates/Rockies series. This year was no different. It took a while to decide which game to attend since there was a 4 game series this time. Originally, I considered Wednesday evening AND Thursday afternoon, but then I changed jobs and didn’t have the ability to take the day off on Thursday. Sad face. BUT, it became a no-brainer when I found out that the Batman was pitching on Monday.

After the first tough decision comes the second of where to sit. Typically, at most games, I would sit along the first base line because that’s where most of the action is, but since it’s been all away games when we go (Pirates and Marlins), we’ve taken to sitting on the third base side. I contemplate switching it up and then I can’t bring myself to sit on the home team’s side. StubHub has been, and remains, my go to for tickets to almost anything. When I logged in there and found some club seats for $16 (!) each, I knew we had a winner.

As is typical for Coors Field, or any baseball field/stadium for that matter, food and drinks are overpriced and not as tasty as you want them to be. Expected. As is typical for an away Pittsburgh game, there were plenty of Pittsburgh fans to be seen, repping the city. We had some behind us, some in front of us, some to the right (we were on the aisle) and even the usher at the top of the stairs was a Pirates fan even though he’s lived in Denver for the last 50 years (which likely meant he’d been somewhere else for at least 20, but more on him in a minute).

The game itself was pretty spectacular. A lot of action and not much of it negative. Happy to see AJ in person one last time before he hangs up the cleats. ICYMI, Pirates won it 9-3. Remember that usher (his name is Carl)? Once on a trip back from the restroom, Carl wanted to chat me up. Ok, I can deal, it’s a Burgh thing. Yeah, until he calls me over and wants to stroke my arm in a totally creeper way. Dude! Pretty sure I managed not to flinch. He’s harmless. It was just unexpected. And weird. And a little yucky. But I survived.

Downtown Denver after dark. I don’t dig it. I’ve done my fair share of downtowns after dark: Pittsburgh, Miami, New York, but Denver actually leads the scary list. Yes, over New York. As Lovey and I were walking back to the car, well, there was plenty of blog fodder, but I’ll keep it to this:

We’re walking down the sidewalk and we’re approaching a group of five young men (and I use that term VERY loosely) sitting on a wall that we have to pass. I move a little closer to the edge of the sidewalk toward the street as I was a step or two ahead of Lovey. We gave each other the eye, confirming we were both aware and prepared for any bullshit in 3-2-1-now. As I’m passing, one of them screams, literally screams at me, “HEY!” Now, first of all, I’m no stranger to people with penises not knowing how to speak to people with vaginas. But really? Trying to scare the shit of someone isn’t the best way to try to grab their attention. Besides, it’s so disrespectful. Holla holla holla holla holla holla holla.

After this penis person’s “greeting”, I whipped my head around and gave him the most evil eye I could muster. Somehow, it wasn’t until the evil eye was thrown that Penis Yeller put two and two together that Lovey and I were together. Congrats, genius. And now that you know you have no chance (but really, you NEVER had a chance. NEVER. Because I’m way past the point that someone sitting on a wall with his boys at 10 at night might be of interest to me. 20 years past. But anyway) of getting anything beyond said evil eye from me, you turn your focus to Lovey. And you have the audacity (and maybe you know what that word means), to tell Lovey that “You better keep an eye on your girl *spoken loudly*, because I’m out here *spoken softly*” LOL!! I’m not gonna call you out your name here, but son, you done lost your motherfucking mind. Both Lovey and I know that I don’t need to be “kept an eye on” because I can handle my shit. And yeah, you’re out here. Out here not doing one damn thing. Oh Penis People, you never cease to amaze and astound me.

And that, my friends, is a night in Denver. Where even in the club seats at Coors Field, a mouse will run across your foot. Peace!


Making Progress

Another week has flown on by. As much as I dislike admitting it, time really does start to go faster the older you get. With nearly three quarters of 2013 gone (ok, more like 7/12), I can only wonder where the heck the year went. I do feel as though I’ve learned some things so far this year, though, and that there’s still more to take in before the year closes.

Something I never would have thought was possible seems to be happening. I’m staying fit simply by doing yoga three times a week. Or, at least, that’s all I’m doing in the gym. I laid off the cardio machines (and my hip thanks me), and I stay away from the weights. We’ll see if it continues to work out this way as I’m only basing this on about a month’s worth of yoga. But here’s hoping.

I’m also learning that it isn’t necessary for me to go balls to the wall 100% of the time and everything  doesn’t have to be all or nothing. So maybe it’s taken nearly 40 years, but I’m finally getting to a point of being ok with just doing what I can. Can’t expect others to accept me as I am if I can’t accept myself. I’m a work in progress.

Meditating has positive consequences. Maybe not the first time, maybe not even the second or third, but if you stick to it and really give it the attention it needs, it works.

Sidebar: As I write this, I am sitting in my back yard, enjoying the sounds of the wind in the trees and taking in all the green. Unfortunately, one of our back neighbors is also at home. He is in a band. He plays the guitar– which I can handle. He is also singing. I am fairly certain that he does not sing in the band as he is more than a little off key. If he is singing in the band, well, it’s not a great wonder that they’re still playing locally.

With the guidance of my yoga instructor, Lexi, I’ve been working on unblocking/clearing my heart chakra as I’ve mentioned. Yesterday, I tried a different method that she mentioned and not only did I feel an emotional weight lift, there was a physical aspect as well. Later in the day after my meditation, I started to feel slightly congested, or moreso as though I was at the end of congestion. It was really neat to me to have this happen – the physical unblocking – although at the time I did wonder if I was just getting sick. The body is a really wild tool that we possess.

In non-body related news, I’m very much looking forward to this weekend. We’re taking a staycation down in Denver tomorrow night, complete with dinner out (likely at Edge because we love that place), a hotel stay, and Pirates baseball on Sunday afternoon. I’ll be that annoying girl with the huge Jolly Roger raising it as the Buccos take out the Rockies, hopefully in a sweep. Let the games begin…baseball AND football. Black and yellow till I die!

Vox Hunt: Home Town Pride

Show us the best thing about your home town.
Submitted by 怒涛の鮫.

You know, this doesn't exactly fit the question, but I had been wanting to post this, so here it is:

Pittsburgh Girls

A Pittsburgh girl knows just about as much about football as her guy friends, in some cases, even more.  She drinks beer because it tastes good but knows when to be classy and drink something more sophisticated.  She owns a Steeler jersey (and NOT a PINK one!) not just because it's cute, but because she supports her team and understands the game.  She loves Kennywood and isn't afraid to order cheese fries from the Potato Patch because, let's face it, Pittsburgh girls wear winter coats and scarves more often than bikinis and flip flops.

A Pittsburgh girl loves St. Patrick's Day, even if she's not Irish because green beer is good for the soul.

Pittsburgh girls don't have a funny accent.  They just speak a different language.  The word yinz is dear to her heart, even if she would never say it herself.

A Pittsburgh girl bleeds black and gold and knows how to have a great time.  She's stylish and sweet.  She has a great education and loves her friends and family.

A Pittsburgh girl goes to church on Sunday hung over, only to be let out early by the priest because the Steelers kick off at one.

A Pittsburgh girl might not live by the beach, but the Three Rivers are just as good!  She has seen all four seasons and has a reason to love and hate each one of them.  She's the type of girl you can call late at night and spill your heart out to.  She's the type you can take home to Mom and Dad without worrying they won't like her because everyone loves a Pittsburgh girl.  If you need a girl to take to the game, she'll be there.  If you need a friend to help you out, she's there.  If you need a drinking buddy, she'll be there with her IC Light in hand. 

So, let your Pittsburgh girl know you love her!

You can take the girl out of Pittsburgh, but you can never take the Pittsburgh out of the girl!

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Just another manic Monday

What's up peeps?  Let me say first off, that there are a mere 96 days left till vacation.  Don't worry, I won't post daily, so you won't see this 96 more times.  Lovey wants to do a couple of nights in Key West and stay at this coolio hotel.  Who am I to argue?  We are gonna take our bikes since that place is a few blocks off Duval Street, which is where most of the stuff is.  Yeah, I'm somewhat excited.

Busy weekend.  Had to do the usual weekend stuff (groceries, cleaning and such) and then went to pick up Kiddo at the airport.  Yuck, airport.  Anywho, I met her at baggage claim while Lovey circled around.  Of course, not before some icky guy tried to talk to me.  Dude, does the ring mean nothing to you?!?!  I know you saw it.  Just yuck.

So, I didn't see Kiddo right away so I called her.  Turns out that I had gone past the carousel that her bag would come down on.  I asked her where she was and she told me and I spotted her.  I asked her "Are you wearing something pink?" and I watched her look down at herself because she didn't remember what she was wearing.  HAHA, that's my kid.

Later that evening, we headed on out to Dolphin Stadium to see the baseball game.  To borrow a phrase from PittGirl, we went to see the Marlins play the Buccos of Suckitude.  Let me tell you that they lived up to their name.  I don't recall what inning it was when they walked the bases full, but I called for a grand slam and it was provided on the next pitch.  Painful.

What made it really cool was that there were Pirates fans to our left, right and behind us so I got to be social.  Left fans were quiet, behind fans were normal, right fans were hammered!  Not obnoxiously hammered though.  They gave Kiddo some peanuts and tried to get her to eat them shell and all.  Dude!  Gross!

Got some photos from the game.


More Dolphin StadiumMarlins pitcherBuccos of SuckitudeHAIRY EAR!Dolphin StadiumConcert stageBret on the big screenBret MichaelsMe and Lovey - sideways

So in a nutshell, you have: the stadium, players, players, the hairy ear of the old guy in front of us, wide stadium shot, mini-concert stage, big screen Bret Michaels, best picture I got of Bret from how far away we were, and me and Lovey forgotten to turn right-side up.

Yes, that's right, I said Bret Michaels, formerly of Posion, currently of Rock of Love.  He did a few Poison songs, a cover or two and one of his songs.  Not a bad performance.  I have video but I'll have to send it to YouTube along with the mariachis formerly promised as they're too big for Vox.  (I've got all of both Something to Belive In and Every Rose Has Its Thorn.  Yeah, I'm an 80s chick at heart.)

Sunday was just chill.  Had to finish yet another paper for school.  I must start finishing these things by Saturday so on Sunday, I can go here or here or both if I'm really spoiling myself.

Now, here we are, in a new week, with more work and stuff.  But hey, it's not so bad.  Still got family that loves me, friends scattered everywhere, roof, food, clothes, all the necessities and a few extras. 🙂

I hope that you all have a ROCKING Monday!  HEP!

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