As the music rises to a crescendo this fine Friday morning, let the congregation say ROCO! Yes, my friends, it is time. You have made it through another week. It may not have looked like any other week prior, but you made it nonetheless. So lift your glasses and shake your asses because the Rev. SteelerShyner, along with the congregation, says ROCO.
Don’t ya just hate it when a short work week feels like it took six days? I know that I sure do. I don’t even dislike my job. I mean, the people are nice, the work is easy (I guess if I had to complain about something, it would be that), I can wear whatever I want, and no one ever microwaves fish or burns popcorn in the microwave. Win. But this still did feel like a long week. Perhaps that’s because we threw a tropical storm/baby hurricane into the mix. Truly it was just a lot of rain and a little wind. At least in my area.
Ok, back to this weekend idea. Usually, folks say “I’m gonna start this new thing on Monday” but I said who’s got time so I got back to my meditation this morning. Meditation is one of those things that really does not take a large amount of time, but it does make a difference when practiced regularly. My logical mind knows this, and yet my monkey mind always has a million reasons why I don’t have those 10 or 15 minutes. Well this morning, I threw a banana over in the corner to occupy the monkey so I could get my meditation on.
Something I’ve been struggling with recently is keeping focus. I kind of only notice it when my workouts slip. Or, I guess I only do anything about it when my workouts slip. This morning I started a Finding Focus course. 30 sessions. Monkey mind would say ‘you don’t have 30 days to try to focus; you need to focus today’ but the reality is that if I don’t start today, in 30 days I’ll be in the same place as I am right now. That fucking monkey is a real asshole.
In the course of today’s meditation, we did some visualizations which were interesting. For the most part we were placing focus on different areas in the body, most of which aligned with different chakras. Chart below if you’re curious. Link below that for more info.

What was interesting this morning was that during my visualizations, I’m shining a bright white light on these areas. We did the sacral, heart, throat, third eye, and crown. Every time, chakra work is different, or at least it is for me. If I had to take a guess, I’d say that both my sacral and third eye chakras are blocked, but oddly enough, my crown chakra is wide open and brighter than a motherfucker. Now, I could look at that in two ways. Either all of that crown energy is going to dissipate because I haven’t gotten my third eye open, or all of that crown energy is going to combust and shit is gonna hit the fan, the walls, the ceiling and everywhere else. Considering that it could go either way or some other crazy way, perhaps I’ll just do some work on that third eye.
Even with blockages, it was easy to find a mantra for focus. I’m a motherfucking ray of light and I radiate love. I’m a motherfucking ray of light and I openly receive love. I’m a motherfucking ray of light and I speak honestly and with clarity. I’m a motherfucking ray of light and I see clearly. You see, all the years I’ve been doing yoga actually did sink in. When I am able to be fully clear, I’ll be a motherfucking ray of light and oh shit she’s back. So yeah, there’s that for me to look forward to and for you to be concerned about, lol.
In the meantime, I think I’m going to go ahead and get back on my focus train. The bills are getting paid but I think I’m good enough, I’m smart enough, and gosh darn it, people like me enough that I could be paying them another way if I simply applied myself for once in my fucking life. So here I go. I’m putting Shyne all over that shit.
Have a great weekend!