N-n-n-n–n-n-n-n-nineteen. Nineteen.

Bwahahahahaha. You know that song means I had an interview and I killed it. Like a bawse. Don’t even leave that door open a little bit because I’ll kick that mother right in and make myself at home at a desk. From a not-so-cocky perspective, it did go well and I fully expect to hear back from them. I’m fun to talk to and I made the interviewer laugh. Several times. I also have done this enough to have great experiences and stories for nearly every question. She did throw me with what was your biggest failure and how did you recover and what did you learn. That one was new for me, but thank goodness I remembered last year when I fucked something ALL THE WAY UP at work but it didn’t end up so badly. All that awesome being said, this would kinda screw up the other plan. It would be difficult for me to put stability to the side and instead go for the not sure thing. Oh, the decisions, and thank goodness I don’t need to make them for probably a month. (I ain’t gonna lie, they sucked me right in with no dress code and flip flops and yoga pants specifically being stated as ok. Swoon.)

Exercise! Some moons ago (a lot of moons), I used to run. I trained for a Thanksgiving 5K. Did it. In a pretty decent time too. But then I stopped running and when I tried to start again, my body flipped me all kinds of the bird. Even though I was close to 10 years younger then, that training and running, which only equated to about 30 minutes a day, did everything I wanted it to do from a how you lookin perspective. Now I don’t wanna run, but I want that look. Heeeeeeey, Shaun T! I see you over there with T25. Not taking up all my day and not making me lift weights, but the sweat is no freaking joke! And it’s thinning me out some which is all I wanted. Since I’m on that particular train though, I keep shoveling coal into the engine. After the Shaun T visit, walk the hood. Dual purpose in more exercise plus getting steps because I constantly get blown away in Fitbit step challenges. Competitive much? Oooh, and I went ahead and ordered fancy schmancy jump ropes. I shall be a beast. Lookout, Florida, cuz I’m coming for ya.

Hey, guess what? I’m not packing! No, it isn’t done, but now that I have that full week of no work before we head out, I figure I will simply get it done that week. Now that I think back on it, I am pretty sure that this is how I handled it when we came out here. Now, that’s not to say that I might now start tackling (more) of the kitchen before that week, but I am releasing all stress about the packing situation. Woosa, bitches. The kitchen will certainly be the most time-consuming part. So many dishes, glasses, etc. I wanna just have a plate and glass smashing party, but I don’t wanna buy all new shit so I guess I have to pack it. My life is rough, right?

I think that’s all I have for today. Let’s come back and count tomorrow, shall we?

By Shyne

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