February 2014

ROCO Friday- In My PJs

Good Friday morning to the flock. Let the congregation say, ROCO! And not just any ROCO, it’s work from home ROCO. It’s I’ll be in my pajamas nearly all day ROCO. Yeah, that’s right, I came down the stairs in those mofos. It is almost the weekend! And the congregation says, ROCO!

I kid you not, this day is an integral part of my week. At least two days I week, I want nothing more than to be able to wear something super comfortable and instead I have to put on work clothes. Today, I wear what I want if anything at all. These are good times. They aren’t quite the best of times. That video is for another day. Maybe when I’m on vacation in 93 days.

Yes, I have a countdown happening. It’s on my whiteboard as a reminder not to slack off on working out for 90 days starting on Monday. Three straight months of getting it in will have me body-ready by then. It’ll also serve as a base for the strength I need to gain if I’m thinking about participating in the Colorado Pole Championship this year. The hardest part about the whole concept is that I need to prepare possibly two routines, supposing that I am accepted.

I lean towards going forward with this as I’ve been saying for some time that in year 40, I would do this. I’m still not 100% on board, but the wonderful feedback and support I got yesterday from just mentioning the though pushed me from 50% to at least 75%. 🙂  A big part of, well, everything, is flexibility and my lack of it. It’s something that I would REALLY have to work on along with strength. That full front split isn’t a requirement or anything, but there’s also so much more to flexibility than that. I need to work that upper back and shoulder shit too. Ohhh, the work involved to participate. Yes, participate, not compete. I want this to remain fun. It’s like a showcase but just on a bigger stage. I’m not going to think about winning or losing or placing or competition at all. I just want this performance to be better than my last one. Yep. That’s my goal.

It’s also my goal to get through this day of work successfully and that means getting to it. Have yourself a great Friday and never forget, ROCO!

Breakfast. It’s What’s For Breakfast.

Health and beauty day? Perhaps. I know, the song is a bit of a stretch when I’m going to talk about my delicious breakfast.


Hands down my favorite  meal of the day, unless it’s dinner and we’re having steak on the grill. It probably looks a little gross, but I promise you that it is absolutely delicious. Want that?
Grab yourself a sauté pan and give it a spray with some oil (I use the blue spray -has a name but this ain’t a commercial) and throw in some spinach. As far as I can tell, you can use as much as you like because IT’S SPINACH. Stir that around and while it’s wilting, dice up a Roma tomato. Sometimes I use a half, sometimes a whole, but again I don’t think it matters because IT’S A TOMATO.
Now that your spinach is wilted, give another non – stick spray and pour in the egg whites. How much? Don’t know. I eyeball that shit. Probably in the neighborhood of a quarter cup though. Here’s where I grind in some sea salt but that’s optional. Once the eggs are almost set, in go the tomatoes. Don’t put them in too soon or they’ll just break down and you’ll only have their skin left.
I stir that around long enough to knock the chill off the tomatoes and then commence with the face stuffing. Should I have some carbs at breakfast? Yes. But I make up for that later in the day. Now I’m fueled and ready to bang my head against the wall at work.
I’m no fitness guru, so don’t take my word as gospel, okay? Just saying this works for me. I try to eat at intervals of around 3 hours. So around 7, 10, 1, 4, and 7. Breakfast is hands down the best meal of my day.
Enough about food. (Wanna know more? Leave a comment or message me directly – you probably know how.) Let’s talk the other part for a minute.
WATER! There just isn’t a way to stress enough how important it is. I seriously had pretty awful skin until about 10 years ago when I started hydrating on a regular basis. It worked wonders although the dermatologist probably helped too. So don’t leave your face thirsty or dirty!
I’m not huge on makeup but I’ll put on some foundation and Burt’s Bees before work so I don’t startle people. By the time evening shower rolls around, I’m sure that most of that makeup is gone, but I wash regardless.
I’m finding now that twice daily washing isn’t always enough. I’m gonna guess that due to the amount of sweating I do, the cleanser just ain’t getting it all done. Toner to the rescue!
As I’ve mentioned, I’m not a makeup girl. So perhaps I’m using toner correctly to get all the leftover makeup and dead face off my face, perhaps not. All I can say is that my skin looks and acts much better when it’s as clean as possible. Go ahead. Try it. 🙂
Let me know what works for you.

You Ran Out Of Words

Someone please get me one of these outfits. I guess the jacket is all I need, well, maybe some huge ass gold earrings and a necklace too. Ok, so I need 3 jackets, lots of bling, and 2 people who want to recreate this video with me. I’m laughing hysterically at my own ridiculous ideas. Let me know if you wanna make that happen.

Yesterday I weighed myself at the gym. Big mistake. The scale lies. But I’m gonna see what it says after I lop about 5 inches off of my hair because this stuff is out of control at this point. Some of it is reaching my butt and that’s just too long. I think I’m going to bring it up to about 3 inches below my shoulders. That could be 5 pounds. Probably closer to 3, but too much nevertheless. For now, I’m going with I’m just muscular and that’s why I weigh the most I ever have in my entire life including pregnancy. Sheesh, scale. See why I don’t like you?!?!

It’s a mid-week break. Today I get to come home right after work and simply relax. No workshop like Monday, no Zumba like Tuesday, no work outing like Thursday, and no chiropractor like Friday. I don’t know how I accidentally strung together such a busy week, but I certainly will try not to do it again. Somehow, even with all these things going on, the week still drags. Because….

The more I get paid, the more I appreciate time off. Why? Because these mofos are driving me damn near insane, and we all know that was a short drive in the first frigging place. I love my job. Or at least that’s what I keep telling myself.

Shorty today. I was struggling to get this much. Perhaps after today’s decompression, I can come back fresh tomorrow morning with something that will make you laugh or smile or just wanna open up the damn link and read. See ya then.

I Really Wanna Know

Good morning, boys and girls! And how are we this fine Tuesday morning? If you’re like me, you’re tired and sore but quite ok with it. Muscles get less sore, but memories, when I write them down, last forever. Oh, lest I forget, skeletons can be talked right out of their closets, so be careful.

Last night, I ventured back in to a studio for a workshop. Although I had never been to said studio for a class previously, the pole world remains relatively small, so that in a class of about 10, I knew over half of the folks in attendance. While the workshop wasn’t a stretching workshop (I could really use one of those…weekly), the stretching portion was what I enjoyed the most. I’m not saying that I didn’t enjoy the pole portion of it, just that we could’ve stretched for another 45 minutes and I wouldn’t have been upset. As far as the actual pole work goes, I had some hits and some misses, as usual. Some items easier than others as I had done them before or strange body shapes come naturally to me, some items were all “aww hell no” because I have absolutely zero elbow conditioning left.

Anywho, the studio sit inside of a larger recreational class taking type of place and last night (could be every night, I don’t know), they were playing late 80s/early 90s music as I was leaving. A couple of guys were doing the Kid ‘N Play without putting much effort into it. I couldn’t just let that slide so I told them that they needed more knees and proceeded to demonstrate. People are so easily amused. Meanwhile, as I’m rocking it out, I duck a hockey check from my around the corner neighbor and dance my way out the door. It probably says something about my silly life when I’m dancing and just duck something like that and keep on trucking. The duck came naturally, checking to see who threw the check was an afterthought. I’m weird.

I’m nearly out the door and there is a girl next to me who was also in the workshop. She looks at me a little funny and says, “I’m Lisa (not really), I’ve never seen you here before, but everyone knows you. Who are you?” Easily the best line of the night. I am Mysterion. Or Token. More like Token here in Colorado. Tokenion. Ha, that goes with Colorado too. I’m a legend in my own mind.

You know that whilst I chat with you, I’m making love to this lacrosse ball. Yep. If making love means rolling around on top of it until I find just the right spot then laying on it until the feeling goes away, yeah, that’s what I’m doing. My muscles are set on random, I swear it. One big shuffle of pain. This is the price I pay for really never having stretched. I know it’s never too late and all, especially since I AM GOING TO GET THIS SPLIT, but it would’ve been much easier had I been a flexy kid. <Chef voice> Learn from my mistakes, children!

Have you ever gotten into child’s pose with a soft, warm blanket wrapped around you and just didn’t want to get up? Possibly even go to sleep like that? Yeah, that’s where I am right now.

No rest for the wicked, I suppose. Workshop yesterday, Zumba today, boxing on Thursday, and thankfully, chiropractor on Friday to try to fix all of the things I’ve banged up since last time. I am definitely not going to be one of those go quietly, reflect on life kinda people. Back in the day, Dr. Demento played a song that summed up how I’m currently running things: I want a death by misadventure. Wanna die face down in someone’s pool. Morbid, but silly too. For now, I’ve got to be off to another misadventure. That one called spinach and egg whites. I’m so EXCITING!

Go out and have a misadventure today. Just don’t die doing it.

Mistakes Get Made

Oh, Monday, how you sneak up on a girl. Jerk.

While snowboarding on Sunday could quite possibly be “the thing”, it also is a bit of a bummer because we got back home yesterday and I immediately realized that the weekend was over. Tears may or may not have been shed. But of course, Monday brings good with it and not just work.

Good, but a conflicted good. You see, today I have a spin pole workshop with some ladies I used to dance/train with until I walked away a while back. Why did I walk away? Ask the chorus up there. Not all of it, just never shined through in what I’ve shown. I really feel like that sentence sums up my previous attempts at dancing. I have stories to tell and it’s as though I have writer’s block of the body. I am really and truly hoping that the time away has been helpful. I know I’ve lost a lot of pole muscle, but I can get that back. I think that the time away has freed me up a little from the constraints I placed upon myself. Ah, the pole world – you labeled me, I’ll label you. And we’re all unforgiven whether it be by ourselves or those we used to call or still call friends.

Between just wanting to be able to move today and trying to early morning prep for this evening’s workshop, I spent quite a bit of time stretching this morning. First the warmup from Dynamix to wake up the body, then a shoulder opening sequence, followed by the requisite split stretching (down to the yoga block having to be pushed to get under the space left on the good side), and ending with a little lacrosse ball to the glutes and hip flexors. After showering, it’s a quick big marble to the neck and shoulder where it’s sore with the anti-inflammatory cream and I’m ready to go to work! Yes, I am slightly off my rocker. I’m ok with it though.

On on!

I’ve put the vacation countdown on the whiteboard. Hubby thinks I’m a little nuts, but it’s kind of a reminder for me of how long I have to get into bikini shape. I saw a furry bikini that just made me smile…almost laugh, and considered buying it since I don’t go in the water, I only walk around the edge of the  pool. I did think that hubby might be slightly mortified walking around with me while I’m wearing it, but he wouldn’t say so. I’ll spare him and get something a little more normal. This time. Good morning, breakfast. Egg whites, spinach, and tomato, it’s good to see you guys again. Grapefruit will be joining the party soon. Skim milk isn’t invited back though. Salads are gonna make their return next week too. It’s a healthy party!

With that lunacy, I’m going to leave you to your Monday. Because my laptop batter is dying and I have to take that aforementioned shower. More fun tomorrow when I’ll probably be even more sore but hopefully I’ll have fun spin pole stories to tell. There’s a whole big world out there. Go get it!