37.24 – Making it a habit

It has been said that it takes doing something 21 times to make it a habit.  We’ll see how close I am to being a habitual writer at the end of this month.  Admittedly, a lot of the times I don’t write, it is because I feel as though I don’t have anything about which to write.  To help me get over this excuse, I’m “teaming up” with NaBloPoMo or National Blog Posting Month.  Every month, they provide a writing topic and all I have to do is think up something to write about.  Should be easy enough, right?

This month, the topic is friends.  Simple.  This month may be all about reminiscing.  I’ll be randomly selecting one of my Facebook friends every day and writing down a memory or two that I have about/with that person.  If you’re reading this and cringing, don’t worry, I won’t write about anything that would get either of us in trouble. 🙂  I thought it would be simple to randomly select someone on Facebook, but I forget that they keep changing everything and making it a clusterfudge.  Thank goodness for the handy, dandy backup iPhone.  I’ll go to my friends list and randomly scroll up and down a few times with my eyes closed and we’ll see who wins.

Drumroll please……….

And the winner is: Mr. A. West, Jr.

Back in the day, when I was making the transition to public school from private, it was a little traumatic.  I was going from a school with about 50 kids in it to a school with more than 50 kids per grade.  A lot of the kids made the transition a little easier, though.  I was greeted on my first day by a trio of classmates who shared a birthday.  Somehow they knew that we all shared the birthday month and couldn’t wait to see if I shared the same day.  I missed them by two days, but it was close enough for them.

One day on our walk to lunch, or maybe gym, it was over 20 years ago, gimme a break, AW gave me a proper welcome to public school.  He came up behind me and used me as a springboard of sorts and told me something.  I’m not going to share that little nugget of knowledge because things change, but sometimes, they don’t.  For the next 7 years, AW and I got to know each other and ended up being pretty good friends.  I never forgot what he told me, though.  I took it to heart.  I saw flashes of truth in what he said in my school years.  I also saw so many things that made what he said untrue.

Funny how some things stick with you 20 years down the road, isn’t it?  But pulling out these memories is kind of fun.  I mean, it was elementary school.  It was Atta Boy-Girl.  It was not walking through the pee pod in the cafeteria.  It was kickball outside.  It was an outrageous 6th grade.  It was a person tripping/being pushed through a plate glass window.  It was hiding me all day and getting dirty looks from other teachers.  It was a playground collision that bruised my kneecap.  It was Release!  It was the beginning of many a friendship.  It was just a really good time.

Back to the current day and time, I’ve gotta go learn a dance.  I’ll be doing Zumba at halftime of a Nuggets game next weekend and I’ll be damned if I go out there not hitting every move.  Thanks for walking down memory lane with me.  It’s been fun.  See you tomorrow for another story.

By Shyne

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