work sucks

10/30 – A couple of things

Please know that I am not happy that ANYONE is losing their job, ever.  And that my happiness regarding the next sentence stems from this.

DHL is basically ending its US service.  But seriously, their service has been so bad, from my experience, this is really not a surprise.

Here's another little nugget.  You should exercise and get lots of calcium, especially if you are a woman.  MommaShyner just found out that she has osteopenia.  Nothing on too serious of a level, she just needs to exercise and get more calcium, which SHE BETTER!  I know you read this, Mom!

And since I know you're reading this, I am going to share this because I thought it was funny in a downer sort of situation.  MommaShyner said that she didn't think that this was something that really affected "us".  You know, like Black folks "us".  Um, we've still got bones and we're still female, so that's more or less who these sorts of conditions target.

It's not like we're white and she found out she had sickle cell, because then she could say "Damn, I didn't think that sort of thing really affected "us"!"  I love my MommaShyner.

In case you're wondering, the girls are coming along nicely.  Although the range of motion I have at home is considerably diminshed when I'm at work because it's colder than the proverbial witch's tit in our freaking office!  Today, I couldn't even use a pencil because my hands were so cold.  I think I may just take my Steelers fleece into the office tomorrow to stay warm.  Or I'll really piss them off and get one of these.  That's right.  A slanket.

That's probably enough links for today.  Peace out till tomorrow ya'll!


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Open Letter

Dear Work:

      I hate you.  There.  I said it.  I've known you for a very long time – more than half my life, but I've never really hated you until now.  I realize that you're not supposed to be all fun and games or else you wouldn't be called work, but seriously?  You suck.

     If you're even interested in bettering yourself, Work, here's why I hate you:

  • I hate your temperature.  At no time when it's 90 degrees outside should I have to dress like I'm going to Antarctica when I'm actually just going to Work.  And when I'm still cold at my desk despite a space heater and a sweater over my sweater and tank top, well then you've just gone too far, Work.
  • I really dislike some of your inhabitants.  Especially those who think that they're better than me for no reason whatsoever.  Look, Work, I know that only I can allow myself to fall into their line of thinking that they actually are better than me, and I won't do that, but why don't you slap some of these people around?  Why don't you try an etiquette class that says "When someone looks you directly in the eye and says 'Good morning', the proper thing to do is say 'Good morning' back.  Smile, nod, wave, grunt, SOMETHING."  Because honestly, Work, I might smack a bitch the very next time one of them looks down their nose at me rather than opening their mouth.
  • Hey, Work, guess what?  I am not stupid.  I am actually pretty smart.  You really just don't encourage me to be anything more than a lump on my chair.  Granted, I don't need your encouragement to be great outside of your damnable four walls, but inside your bowels, my own personal hell, you really should learn some communication skills.
  • Know what else, Work?  You literally drain the life fluids right out of me.  You took a vibrant flower and turned it into a patch of brown goo.  A few years back, I was actually enjoying my life but damn you, Work, you took that away.  Sure, I'm slowly working my way back to enjoyment, but just like the 100 minutes of my life wasted during Universal Soldier, I'll never get those years back.
  • Even though this isn't your fault, Work, I still hate you for it.  The economy SUCKS BALLS at the moment which means that, especially here, either no one is hiring or those who are expect you to have a Master's Degree to fetch your coffee for $10 an hour.  That means that I'm stuck with you, Work.  But don't think for a millisecond that I'm not always on the lookout for something that doesn't suck.

So there, Work, there you have it.  I hate you and I know there's no love lost between us.  I am better than this black hole of soul-sucking filth, flarn and filth and we both know that.  Oh yeah, thanks for the torture but I really must be on my way.  SOON.  I'm sure that one day, Work, we'll both look back on this letter and laugh our fool heads off, but at the moment, I'd like to light it on fire and jam it up your ass.

Hope you crumble to the ground on a weekend (since there are actually people here that I DO like),


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