
It’s My World

Uuuuuggggh. Over the course of the last 11 days, I have started three blog posts, this being the third. Let’s see if this one gets all the way to completion and posted. I really would have been great on Tumblr because I don’t always have enough thoughts for a full blog post, but I have some super one-liners. In my opinion, anyway.

So back on the second, I had my video and everything. Living On A Prayer because we were halfway there. Halfway through the year. And honestly, about that, WTF?!?! How did half of the year get by us already? Yikes. If I made New Year’s Resolutions, now would be the time I would look at them and go, oh shit, I haven’t done any of this. But, I decided back in January that I wasn’t going to do that. I was making New Day Resolutions, giving myself 365 chances to get it right instead of one. I think my NDR was to simply be better than the day before or something like that. Probably not, dammit. Now I have to look.

Ok, I had 5 NDRs. Exercise/yoga, meditate, handstand, write/blog, flow. As we sit beyond the halfway point of the year, I probably haven’t been doing well with my NDRs outside of exercise. I think today just happens to be an “on” day for me as I will likely hit all the points today. I guess that the halfway point of the year is a great point to get back on track since I completely forgot about those things. Mind you, even though I forgot about them, or I haven’t been actively thinking about them, it doesn’t mean that they haven’t been happening. The writing takes the biggest hit, followed by flow. Exercise happens 6 out of 7 days because that’s an ingrained habit already. Handstands happen here and there. Man, I gotta get on the fucking ball. Anywho….

Yesterday, I had started another post as well. Monday is the day that the landscapers come, so the video was for Oh So Quiet because OMG why can’t they STFU. Yes, I realize they have a job to do but come on, Mantequilla, I have work to do also. I have this thing about silence and how much I enjoy it. I mean complete silence. At most, nature sounds from birds. I don’t want white noise, the tv, the radio. Just shhhhhhh. For whatever reason, me and focus aren’t friends, so any little thing is shiny and a squirrel for me to look at. I’ve been trying to get better at focus, but that is a really long work in progress.

Back to today, I’m for sure going to hit those NDRs. I might even pull the tracker back out because I’m feeling a little bit encouraged. I love to fill in a block or use coloring pencils or crayons (and I have a ton of them, lol) so yeah, that sounds like a good idea for today. Or maybe even the whiteboard (I have three. I’m mildly odd with office supplies. We have more writing utensils in here than Office Depot.) Come on, excitement train! Keep on rolling!

So yeah, this is my world. Some days it’s mad hectic and some days it’s shut all the fucking way down. That’s just how I roll. That sounds worse than the reality is, but I’ll paint outside my lines and you can paint outside of yours.

While I’d love to stay and chat, I have several things to accomplish including getting myself prepared to teach three pole classes over the next 7 days. One of those is my normal class and two are levels which I don’t usually do – one beginner, one not so beginner. I love planning classes but I hate the stress of planning classes. Fortunately, everyone is laid back and will enjoy whatever we do. Feels like a shit ton of conditioning before we do anything though. HAHAHAHAHA. Yeah buddy. Level three? You oughta be strong by now. You aren’t? You oughta be working out with me, lol.

Well, none of the things I need to do are gonna get done while I’m sitting here writing things that no one is going to read. Have a wonderfully magical day, imaginary readers!

Work, Work, Work

You tell ’em, Dolly. All that work to do and only 8 hours in a work day. What are we, superhumans?

But seriously, as a society, we place so much pressure on ourselves to do so much. And of course, as a member of society, I do this same shit to myself. Ok, so perhaps it isn’t ALL society on my part. There are just so many things that I see that I want to do (because I might have some sort of activity ADD if that’s a thing) that it’s difficult to sit still sometimes. And then when I do manage to sit still, I don’t feel good about it because there are 25 million other things I could be doing besides, oh, you know, resting my body. I’m a mess. I get it. I acknowledge it. Hell, sometimes I even embrace it.

In my race against myself to drive myself crazy with activities and knowledge, I made myself a daily schedule. It’s been on for about a week now and I’ve seen that I need to swap the activities in the first 2 hours of my day (the day that starts at 8, not the one that starts at 5:30 – I’m still trying to fix that one too). I think that swapping those two focus hours will help my day start off a little more smoothly. Today was an outlier day. I don’t think it would’ve followed a schedule no matter what. But that’s ok. I still got things accomplished that needed to happen and I’m still catching up on the things that I missed. Look at me go!

Under my list of today’s accomplishments include really setting a strong structure for teaching my FabPole classes. I love structure but I also hate structure so I built it in a way that says ‘hey, do this sort of thing next’ but I still have a ton of options for what the sort of thing is. The hardest part is having multiple levels of each of the sorts of things because not every student has the same range of strength or flexibility. However, that is one of the things I would call my “specialties” – being able to teach to multiple levels in the same class. Everybody gets some personal attention in my class…whether you like it/want it or not, lol. I gotta know that you’re understanding the words that are coming outta my mouth (!) and enjoying yourself at least a little bit.

Another accomplishment for the day is not getting sucked down the YouTube rabbit hole. Today, I found Dolly, got the link, and closed the damn window. Yay me! That certainly doesn’t mean I didn’t get sidetracked with other things though. I’m starting to reach out to see who’s trying to get in shape with me. I put together an intake form and everything! You want to get in shape? Go fill out this form.

It seems that for every accomplishment I add to my list or item I check off of my to-do list, 2 more pop up in its place. (See paragraph two about doing too damn much.) For instance, I need to revamp my schedule. Sure, it only takes a few minutes, but paragraph three made more tasks. Having a class structure is great, but I still have to review my options for “sorts of things”. That intake form, it still needs tweaking. Oh yeah, there’s a whole different website that I need to put info onto. Ohhh, yeah, and I’m also learning some WordPress development. Ummm, and maybe affiliate marketing. While I have a 9-5. And teach on Saturdays. And a functioning marriage. Right, I guess this is why I don’t have friends, lol. (I have a couple. Sheesh. Don’t get mad, Christina!)

Considering that I do still have just under a million things to do today, I’m gonna go ahead and wrap this up for today. I hope that you’re having a great hump day. We’re on the downward slide to the weekend, baby!


Oh hai there! Have a little Dee Snyder with your Cheerios.

I’ve been thinking about this a bunch recently. Not sure why, but it’s been on my mind. I mean, I have a job. I don’t, by any means, dislike it, but I also don’t LOVE it. I don’t pop out of bed on Monday morning stoked for another day of doing what I do. Sure, most people don’t pop up like that either, but some folks do and I’ve been feeling like I wanna be a some folks. When I think about the couple of times when I really did enjoy going to work, it was more about the people that I worked with than the work itself.

So, Universe, how do I fix it? Also, Universe, I’ve already seen the Venn diagram of what I’m good at/what I love/blah blah blah. I’m a Sagittarius, enneagram 7, DiSC high C (I think, it’s been a while), ENTP-A (Debater), under-active sacral and heart chakra, Strategic CliftonStrategy, extroverted, adrenaline junky, somewhat exhibitionist kinda person. Do with that what you will. Make all that madness come together in a career I’d jump out of bed for. I’ll be over here doing one of the million things that I dabble in while I wait. But, if you could move it along, yeah, that’d be great.

In the meantime, I guess I’ll just keep doing what I do. You know, the day job plus teaching a handstand workshop here and there, chilling with my flowmies, learning to roller skate again, being a NamasteAsFuck ambassador, and being a FabPole Instructor Affiliate. But I’ll always tell you I don’t do anything, lol.

Oh, sidebar Universe. Whatever it is, please don’t make it that I have to talk on the phone. I really am not here for that. I mean, I know people can’t see me when I roll my eyes at them, but people can’t see me when I roll my eyes at them. And I do this A LOT. Like I’m surprised my eyes haven’t fallen out of my head a lot.

You know sometimes I try to hit a word count here, but I don’t have anything else to say but I have a lot of other things to do today, soooooo…..deuces!

Weekend Warrior

Oh yeah. It’s Saturday. That day when I “sleep in” all the way until 9. I make breakfast, which is my favorite meal both to make and eat. And today, a workshop. But before that, let’s rewind the clock.

Yesterday was the monthly visit to the chiropractor. I know that I’ve been going there a while when we basically have a rundown of what I think is wrong before treatment. I’m usually correct. I mean, it IS my body after all. Yesterday it was the right hip. That bad boy was way out of line. After everything was back in line, I decided that when I don’t ask, I don’t know, so I asked about Graston. It’s a procedure to break up fascia, well, maybe break up isn’t the right phrase, but it’s good and it’s what they were doing for me at physical therapy last year. I figured that insurance wouldn’t cover it and that it would be really expensive, but NO! It’s within a budget range and I get to do it. Stoked.

Today, it was a return to a FabPole workshop. Phrases uttered included: ow, ow, ow, fa, fa, fa, fa, fuuuuuck and my vagina is on my back now. Fun? Yes. A bit ouchie? Also yes. I am sporting some angry red lines in my hip and ass area. But, definitely worth it because I need to keep challenging myself with new stuff.

Today was also a perfect day for relaxing with a bottle of KJ and looking at flowers. Flowers outside, flowers inside. They make me smile.

It’s Saturday. You got a video. I don’t have to post a lot. 😛



A Mild Slump – But A Video Too!

That’s where I am. The rational part of my mind realizes that I do plenty enough; the irrational part thinks all I do is lay on the couch and eat BonBons. The rational part of my mind knows there are only so many hours in a day; the irrational part says I could be doing SO. MUCH. MORE with my time. Hey mind, how’s about you get your act together?!?!

With only today and tomorrow left in the month, I could either finish strong or take it easy. You go ahead and guess which train I’m on. I think that having a “recovery week” in any exercise program is detrimental to my progress. It happens every time. I get lazy and I don’t do the recovery week exercises because they aren’t challenging enough. The rational part of my mind says that’s because it’s a RECOVERY week you moron; the irrational part says you’re so lazy because you aren’t sweating. Just sit around instead (because that somehow makes me LESS lazy?) On Monday, I’ll start the whole program over again. It’s not actually that bad to start over since it will have me finishing three weeks closer to vacation. Still leaves a month to spare. 122 days and counting. That will be a challenge – to write every day whilst on vacation. Trying to keep up a routine of anything while on a ship is tough. When you’re not working there, that is, and I certainly will not be working.

On the list of accomplishments for January, I completed our FabPole routines class. Video below. Hard to believe that we did this over the course of four weeks with only one hour per class. There will be a prettified version at some point, but this is it for now. I’d like to do it over, tweak some things here and there, but for the most part, I’m satisfied. Also, my armpits have fabric burn. Schmexy!

So at least there is that accomplishment for January, combined with I have put words in this blog every day and I worked out for most of the month. (As much as I know that numbers on the scale shouldn’t mean crap, I was still pretty disappointed when I got on the scale at the gym earlier this week.) Promotion plus raise is good. Bringing my gym membership fees down to a steal of $20 a month is pretty outrageous. Even if I only go to one Zumba class a week, I’m still saving at least $20 a month with this membership. It’s out of control and I love it! Bonus hot tub, steam room, and sauna included.

A family friend is a part of an event tonight that we’ve been invited to. Said event is in a strip club (which you *know* I have no issue with) and they’re combining with a “strip-off”. I didn’t know about this part until I started doing some research. Prize is $200. Chances hubby would not blow a gasket if I breathed in that direction? 2000%, lol. Perhaps I’ll just send my brother and he’ll have a good time. Because if you can believe the meteorologists, and you can’t, it’s supposed to snow 20 feet tonight or some minuscule amount that everyone will act like is 20 feet. Buck up already! This is Colorado where you should be used to the snow driving by now.  There can’t be that many transplants here from non-snowy states, although there are a lot of transplants here, us included. 🙂 We add flava to this pretty white state. (You add or remove punctuation as you wish there.)

Well, kids, we’re in the home stretch of this week. Be proud of yourself that you made it this far and give yourself something to look forward to every day even if it’s only the end of your work day. Have a great Thursday and be excellent to each other – name the movie.