Welcome back indeed. It’s been nearly a year since I’ve put figurative pen to paper and that’s pretty ridiculous. And has there even been a reason? No, no there hasn’t. I’ve been lazy and uninspired which doesn’t lead to any creativity.
BUT, I’m here today, so that must mean things are changing (I hope). I’ve carved out this little bit of time to try to put down some thoughts on weekdays.
Even though Welcome Back, Kotter originally came out in 1978, it was one of my absolute favorites growing up. I’m guessing that by the time I fell in love with it, it had to be in syndication since I’m guessing that would have been around 8 or 9. I’m certain it was still quite popular at that time, though. All of the kids in my class knew it. For whatever reason, probably because I was somewhat of a class clown (go figure), I gravitated toward the character of Horseshack. A lot. So much so, that I started raising my hand and “Oooh oooh”-ing in class. So much so that kids started calling me Horseshack and I ate up every second of it. I was somewhat of an oddball as a kid. Nothing has changed.
So, what’s happened in a year? 380 days of homeownership. Furniture moving. Cleaning. Ceiling fan removal. AC replacement. Pool resurfacing. Deck replacement. The fucking sewer backed up. New water heater. And a bunch of other projects. And there are a bunch more still on the to-do list. With year one in the books, I’m guessing that by the time we get to year 5, we’ll maybe have everything looking the way we would like.
I guess I’ll call this point in time ‘fully settled in’ to the new space. Now that I’ve hit that spot, it’s time to get my shit together (again). I’ve been doing a lot of mobility/flexibility work (and I know it doesn’t look like it from the outside, but it FEELS like it in my hips) and I think I’m ready to run full steam ahead into these last 8.5 months of my 40s.
I’m trying different levels of time-blocking. I first heard of this during that fateful year of real estate (I could and should write a book about that year…it has a title and a cover art concept already). But, you know how sometimes you simply aren’t trying to hear information from a particular source no matter how good that information might be? Yeah, that. But now, I’ve re-received that information from a source that I trust and believe in so I’m all about it.
The concept was to break the day into 3 pieces and then basically have to-do lists for those 3 pieces, but I found that just having the things to do wasn’t quite enough for me. I needed to take one step further and give each of the activities a timeframe. I’m not expecting to hit every timeframe every single day. I’m actually giving myself the rest of this monto ramp up to the habit. But I realize that timeframes need to be flexible. For instance, I gave myself 30 minutes to write from 12:30 – 1 and here it is at 3:30 and I’m not done. Work does still take first place in the priorities so the blog got shifted. I got back here before the end of the day, though, so I’m calling it a win.
I suppose I shouldn’t just tell you everything about the last year and the upcoming in one post. You need a reason to come back. So, see you tomorrow. I have so much more to blather on about.