Spanish Sunday

Monday Musings on A Tuesday

I do always have the best intentions when it comes to writing. However, sometimes stuff (read work) gets in the way.

Did I accomplish every goal from last week? Nope. Am I going to beat myself up about it? Nope. Actively realizing that I don’t need to attain perfection is something else I’m working on this year.

So, let’s have some positives.  I worked out a plenty. Didn’t stretch enough. I blogged a plenty. Didn’t work on the book enough. I GOT MY JANUARY POLE MOVE! I got my January pole move. I was able to be a pole student, which is always fantastic. (Many thanks to the lovely Jen W. over at Studio 3SixT!) I got pushed hard and learned a few new things on top of Brass Monkey.  Success!

This week, I’ll try to continue working out a fair amount, stretching, writing, being the goofball that I am, choreographing two showcase routines (but only performing one), and running errands like a maniac Wed – Sat whilst trying to stay warm and beat the snow. Even though it’s winter, and it’s Colorado, apparently, it doesn’t typically get as cold as it’s about to out here. Going to that Broncos game on Saturday? Good effing luck. It isn’t supposed to be above 20 for the entire game. Is my team playing? No. And you know what? Even if they were, I would be hard pressed to go sit out there in that sort of weather, even for my beloved Steelers.  Hell, if the Super Bowl were here (which Denver wants but I just don’t see happening simply on the CHANCE that this upcoming weather could reoccur), I still think I’d watch from home. I don’t know that I have enough snowboard gear to justify sitting outside for 3 or 4 hours in below freezing temperatures when I’m not actually snowboarding.

Sidebar: I don’t necessarily want to see it happen, but I feel that the Ravens at least get to, if not win the Super Bowl. Ray Ray is done. He is a legend. The NFL will have him go out on top. Just like Jerome did. Go ahead, NFL, prove me wrong with not one questionable call for or against the Ravens as long as they keep playing.

Backing up for a moment, how about success? There are times when I see others and feel that they are successful. I don’t necessarily feel that way about myself. BUT, just this morning, I started thinking to myself and came to the conclusion that, by MY standards, which are the only ones that matter to me, I AM successful. I am gainfully employed making a decent salary. I don’t live in fear of my car dying (any more). I have a roof over my head (a pretty decent one to boot). I have activities that I enjoy and someone with whom to share them. And most importantly, to me, I get the opportunity, on a weekly basis, to interact with and encourage my fellow dancers.  I hope that I get to inspire them. But even if I don’t, I know that I enjoy their company and the joie de vivre (how bout that French) that each dancer brings to the studio. Sooooo, successful? Me? Yes. I. AM.

Last thing before I take off here. I added one more weekly goal. Spanish Sunday. Having taken 4 years of high school Spanish, having lived in Mexico for nearly 2 years, and having a fluent Spanish speaker in the house, there is really no reason for me not to be speaking considerably better Spanish than I do.  So Hubby has agreed to do Spanish Sunday with me wherein he will only speak to me in Spanish and only reply to me if I have spoken to him in Spanish. It’s immersion without leaving the house! Boy there are lot’s of things I want to accomplish this year. How about you? How are your goals/resolutions coming?