coworker superstars

QotD: Coworker Superstars

Who are the people you've worked with over the years that you'd list as your Coworker Superstars? Why'd they make the cut? 
Submitted by bodhibound.

I've had quite a few jobs in my 17 years of working.  Man, that's depressing.  I've already been working for more than half my life.  Certainly some folks stand out and here are their props:

  • Jim Price – we worked together in a consultant type situation and he always kept me laughing.  Jim was awesome because even though it royally pissed his girlfriend off when we hung out, he kept hanging with me anyways.  No, nothing happened.
  • Pretty much the entire crew that opened the McKnight Road (no longer there) Don Pablo's – if you are into the industry, you know there's nothing like the family that opens a store from the ground up.  Those were some of the best times ever and I miss you guys.
  • Jay and Cesar – only I would let these two take me under their collective wing at Houlihan's.  Thanks for taking me to RAW, boys.  Have you seen Dee?
  • Risko – not only did she supply me with two jobs after I moved to PA from NY, she's a great drinking buddy and vacation planner.  The Ocean City trip will forever live in infamy.
  • Nate, Kim, Arano, Tiger – all those who gave me the encouragement, training, and opportunity to learn the circus arts.  You guys rock.  Yeah, I looked like a monster about the shoulders and arms but there are no perks that compare to the perks a circus GO gets.

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