That’s right. I wanted to know.

One of the best things about working a temp job is getting paid every week.  Not just that, but also the 3 day weekends I have due to working four ten-hour days and getting paid on Thursday.  Well, this past Thursday, I didn’t see any paycheck money in my bank account.  I figured maybe it would hit on Friday but something in the back of my mind said to check on my timesheet for the previous week.

Good thing I did because, unbeknownst to me, my timesheet was rejected.  No one told me.  Not the place I’m working, not the temp agency, and had I not looked, I probably would’ve still been waiting for a check.  I immediately sent an email over to the agency asking why I didn’t get paid, why I didn’t get informed that I wasn’t going to get paid, and when the heck was I gonna get paid.

The agency got back to me saying that yes, my timecard was rejected, but they didn’t know why.  WTF man?  They said I needed to talk to my supervisor.  Of course, she was away from her desk.  The minutes passed and I got antsy.  I sent her an email.  I had no idea where she was.  Arrgh.  I want my money.  Now I’m getting angry.

At long last, my supervisor returned to her desk, and I don’t think her ass was in her seat before I was at her desk.  I asked, in the nicest way that I could muster, why my timesheet was rejected.  Her answer surprised me.  She said that I marked my lunch for one hour on Tuesday, but we only did half-hour lunches that day.  Yes, you read that right.  She rejected my timesheet because I accidentally gave them a free half-hour of work!  *stunned*

She sent the proper information over to the agency and the agency sent me an email saying that direct deposit on Monday was the best that she could do.  I was okay with this as I was still stunned about the 30 minutes.  I also thought that I would have to deal with a paper check.

Friday morning, I woke up to an email saying that I had a new paystub and I thought to myself, great, a paystub but no money.  Au contraire, mon frere.  I also had a paycheck.  Can you say stoked?  I can, and I was.  That is a great way to start the weekend.  I hope you enjoy yours.

By Shyne

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