Happy Friday to all my Vox hoodies and a grand welcome to 2009!
Starting this year out on the right foot and what more can I do other than keep putting one foot in front of the other. "Left foot, right foot, left foot, right foot." – Randy Newman
I do believe that I may steal a page from the book of crankypants and have weekly goals. They're much easier to tackle than a resolution for a whole year. Maybe I should throw in an overall January goal too. So, without further ado, and more for my own sake than yours, poor reader, the Fridaylutions for the week of January 5, followed by the Janulution:
- Force Lovey and Kiddo into 2 hours of daily family time.
- Schedule a personal training session (it's free, thankfully).
- Hit the gym Monday and Wednesday morning, Friday after work.
- Yoga on Tuesday night.
- Finish all week one classwork BEFORE Saturday morning.
- Stick to the eating plan.
- Drink more water. A lot more.
- Be more focused at work.
- Outline Chapter One of upcoming novel wannabe.
- Cheer the Fins on to victory.
- Adult time with Lovey on Friday or Saturday night.
- Finish the current book I'm reading. (leisure)
- Install Joomla downstairs and read first two chapters of Joomla book.
Janulution: Lose 8 pounds, get better hydrated, gain more flexibility for upcoming trip.
There. I think that's do-able and it'll make me feel good to get it all done.
And in case you think that I forgot, the Reverend MiamiShyner wishes you all the first ROCO Friday of 2009!
Now get out there and love each other!! š
good job! I hope this works for you. I know it has helped me to get a little more done than I would if I didn't post a weekly list. Now I just have to push myself a little harder. Happy 2009 to you & your loved ones!
Thanks!! I am hoping that some folks in my hood will shame me into completing all my tasks. š
Best 2009 EVAR to you and yours!!
oh these are excellent. I also need to drink more water and drinking more water helps you keep hydrated and loose weight. So I think you have a great plan of attack.