Serious opinions needed (or not so serious ones)

Am I completely insane to try to pull together nearly $6K to send Kiddo to summer camp for a month?  How do people do this? 

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By Shyne

9 thoughts on “Serious opinions needed (or not so serious ones)”
  1. So that boils down to $200 a day, basically. Maybe you should just book a hotel room for a month, buy her the fixings for a month's worth of PB&J sandwiches, and tell her it's her "summer camp"?Seems expensive, but then again, if they've got an infrastructure in place, by the time you pay for counselors, activity/material costs, and room & board, I could definitely see it adding up. I'll have to ask my parents how much it was when they sent me away for a month to camp when I was a teenager – I'll bet it was somewhere close to that, factoring in inflation and stuff.

  2. This, to borrow a phrase from arbed, ain't your momma's summer camp. The facilities and activities are outstanding. I know she'd never be bored. If I thought of taking her to the trapeze here in Miami every day for a month (she'll get to do that at camp, along with learn to skateboard among other things), I'd pay about $1000 and that's not to mention gas and parking. She's at the age where she eats like a pig too. 🙂
    I really want to try to do it. It'd probably be the most unselfish thing I've done in, oh, forever. It would just wipe out my savings though. 🙁

  3. It's a very nice and generous thing to do. I'm sure she'd have a great time and it's fancy but I also see it as one month out of her entire life. I'm sure if you do your research you'll find one worth the cost and the memories. But she's your baby and it's up to you. I'm just being practical here.
    Cash like that can go into somethig she'll hopefully get more than a month out of: like college or a car. Maybe you should ask her. If the money is for her any way, give her options.

  4. Well,,,,she's got at least two years till she drives and I won't buy her a car right at 16. I know nothing of practicality, lol. I won't go into debt or anything over this since she could go for fewer weeks for less money.
    Aaargh, decisions!

  5. is this something she REALLY wants to do? i mean, i dunno. $6K for a summer camp sounds… painful. hehe… i probably wouldn't do it, but that's just me. heh.

  6. Yeah, she really wants to go. I've got my mom pitching in and some other sources so she's 99% likely to go. She's been through a lot of hell in her young life, so this is something that she'll be able to look back on (for these years) and smile about. 🙂

  7. i wonder if there's anything she can do to contribute to her summer camp fund, also? i think she'd treasure it EVEN MORE if she helped pay for it… no? i don't know… i don't have a teenager (yet) hehe… it's really cool that you guys are pulling together to make it happen for her. 🙂

  8. Well, she can't work yet and there really isn't time for me to put together some sort of fundraiser. I'll just let her slide on this one. If she manages to get straight As in this last nine weeks, we'll call it debt paid!
    I'll let you in on the selfish secret. We're going on vacation in the Keys while she's at camp. We're terrible!

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