It’s Monday, I have a ton of stuff to take care of, and yet, here I am.

You know, because I don't Vox on weekends.  Any old excuse will do.

Okay, if I don't get these things out, they'll be stuck in my head and they'll be in the way of doing my other stuff.

On commercials:

Yankeebob reminded me of this.  If you aren't in Florida or Georgia or one of the three other states that has a Publix, then you will not have seen this commercial.  Just so you know, Publix is a grocery store like your Winn-Dixie, Giant Eagle (pronounced Iggle), Albertsons, Kroger, whatever monstrous chain you have in your area.  Their slogan is "Publix.  Where shopping is a pleasure." 

They do these commercials about family and family time and such and Lovey seemed to find this one to be amusing.  It rotates around a black family and a woman who just married into the family.  She has just returned from her honeymoon and is attending a family function.  She is in someone's house and everyone is cooking and following recipes on beat up index cards.  Her husband tries to peek at one of the cards and the woman holding it (presumably his sister) yanks it away.

Everyone is cooking away and ignoring this poor new addition to the family.  Someone asks about her honeymoon and she starts to answer but gets pushed out of the way and all of a sudden, it's time to go to Big Momma's house.  The food is being passed around and everyone is chowing down but the Noob still feels a little uncomfortable.  Of course, the watchful eye of Big Momma sees this.  After dinner is cleared (this all happens in about 30 seconds, mind you), BM brings out a cake and Hubby whispers to the Noob that 'that's the cake I was telling you about'.  Three layers of yellow cake with fruit and whipped cream in the middle.  Big whoop, wanna fight about it?

No one eats on camera and everyone is now leaving.  BM is showing everyone the door and tells the Noob, "Welcome to the family."  Noob gives her best fake smile and as she and Hubby walk away, Noob reaches into her pocket to find the recipe for the cake.  AWWWWWWW!

Lovey found this commercial to be funny, bordering on dumb, but then again, Lovey ain't black.  Kudos to whatever ad agency wrote that one up because it's pretty darn true.  My Gram wouldn't write a recipe down.  EVER.  She took some great recipes to her grave.  I'm the only one that can even get close to her mac and cheese because I would stand under her in the kitchen constantly.  Does this part of the blog have an ending?  No.

On wedding plans:

I am so not girly when it comes to this sort of thing.  I've never wanted the white dress/church wedding.  Ever since I can remember, I've been upsetting my mom with a 'why can't I get married in the back yard and have a BBQ' attitude.  Last week, Lovey and I were briefly discussing getting married after watching a funny video.  I mentioned that I wasn't into the whole thing and he said that he was fine with that.  I did say, though, that if it was gonna be anything even remotely done-up, that I would want it to be at the Club Med here in Florida so it would be easier to gather my friends since they're scattered all over.  Lovey happened to love that idea, hooray.  So we didn't set a date, per se, but figured we'd do it before our big move out west.  So, spring to early summer of 2010 is the date.

On to-do lists:

  • Return library books, pick up leisure reading
  • Buy Zumba videos for delivery upon our return
  • Pack Kiddo for a week at Gramma's
  • Pack us for weekend at Bernie's Honduras Intercontinental Hotel, Tegu
  • Self-manicure
  • Buy shoes
  • Buy new foundation
  • Finish product descriptions before Mr. N kills me
  • Write a discussion for class
  • Write a paper for class

Okay, it isn't as bad as I thought, but I feel like I'm missing something.  It all has to be done between work and sanity time and leaving work early on Wednesday to get Kiddo to the airport and our early departure on Thursday.  Go me!

So, not that many will notice, but I'll be off the radar beginning Wednesday afternoon, returning Monday.  I lurve a 3 day workweek.  Peace out, ya'll. And, oh yeah, HEP!

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By Shyne

2 thoughts on “It’s Monday, I have a ton of stuff to take care of, and yet, here I am.”
  1. i am not a girly girl, either. i got married at the courthouse. when steve and i got engaged, my mother called me EVERY DAY around 8:30 in the morning… crying. begging me to get married at a church… with a big white poofy dress. yeah. that's just SO not me. hehe.i got married on a friday afternoon in a white suit. and saturday night i had a party for all my friends… and sunday morning we had brunch at a restaurant (sort of a reception)… but JUST for family. also, the dress i bought for my "reception" was $9. haha! my mom almost had a heart attack. but when it was all said and done, she was happy that i was happy. :)and i really was. it was exactly the way we wanted it. 🙂 well, we didn't actually want to have a reception, but it was my way of compromising with my mom. hehe.

  2. If we don't do the CM thing, it'll be the courthouse for sure. My mom's just happy that we're gonna get married eventually.
    For me, I think people are more interested in coming to the party associated with the wedding than the actual wedding, so a small private ceremony and a big party is the plan. (well, sorta. if it's CM, whomever wants may attend, they're all my family.)
    $9!! Hecks yeah!

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